Site upgrade


Jun 11, 2011
To be clear, are the threads and profiles here going to be actually moved to the new site or the forum is going to start from scratch? I ask because the forum admin at ESP wasn't very clear, he said a year ago that the forum would migrate to the new site and and everyone expected the threads to get transferred but they didn't.

Thanky :3

PS Is that site going to support HTML5/webm?
Evvvvvverything will be moved - no way I would start off from scratch :) That's why this is going to be a massive undertaking, but well worth it in the end.

Everything about the forum will be up to date and more modern and in line with the things "out there" these days. It will be using the forum software called xenForo.
Evvvvvverything will be moved - no way I would start off from scratch :) That's why this is going to be a massive undertaking, but well worth it in the end.

Everything about the forum will be up to date and more modern and in line with the things "out there" these days. It will be using the forum software called xenForo.

Ugh, really? I hate to be "that guy" but the UI/UX for xenforo is just awful IMO. It's so bubbly and cartoonish and annoyingly web 2.0. A few other forums I've been on have switched to it and I can't stand visiting anymore.
Ugh, really? I hate to be "that guy" but the UI/UX for xenforo is just awful IMO. It's so bubbly and cartoonish and annoyingly web 2.0. A few other forums I've been on have switched to it and I can't stand visiting anymore.

Ugh really? The concept of web 2.0 seems so very dated to around ten years ago now - those skeuomorphic design elements are something that have been on the way out for a while.
I was deadly serious actually, looking back I must have unconsciously copied your disgust to start there - I have no idea what happened. I'm obviously becoming a caricature of my former self. :lol:

Out of those three only the kemper one looks semi-respectable.
The KPA one is actually one I frequent less now because the old UI was WAY better. There's so much wasted space, so much truncated text unnecessarily as a result. The entire right-hand side bar shouldn't even exist.
Ugh, really? I hate to be "that guy" but the UI/UX for xenforo is just awful IMO. It's so bubbly and cartoonish and annoyingly web 2.0. A few other forums I've been on have switched to it and I can't stand visiting anymore.

I'm going to try and be very careful on the balance of "change". I won't be using the out of the box look and feel as I do not like it. I do like the functionality and code base though.

Optimism man, optimism! :)

That said - I do welcome feedback like this, so thanks. Feature requests, likes-dislikes about other sites (or this one) etc. - feel free to leave it all here.
I think if I could improve anything, apart from the overly stark design on this section of the forum, it would be the search function - I find myself using google more often than anything as I always want to search for 3 letter or less terms like 'OSX' or 'U87' and it not happening, also the 20 second wait between searches is annoying because sometimes I'll click to find someones recent threads to see if theres been any interesting developments and I'll accidentally click posts instead or something then go back and twirl my thumbs for a bit before getting back to what I wanted. The relevancy of the results is sometimes a bit questionable too.

These are all fairly minor caveats but on a forum thats really about collating various tidbits of information like this area in particular it really helps to be able to check back in on past topics efficiently and it'd be cool if the new platforms search function and the limitations placed on it/or not helped with this in particular.
Also if we could 'lose' approximately 3,313 posts of me making a tit of myself in the transition that'd probably improve the site at least 1.43%.
I think if I could improve anything, apart from the overly stark design on this section of the forum, it would be the search function - I find myself using google more often than anything as I always want to search for 3 letter or less terms like 'OSX' or 'U87' and it not happening, also the 20 second wait between searches is annoying because sometimes I'll click to find someones recent threads to see if theres been any interesting developments and I'll accidentally click posts instead or something then go back and twirl my thumbs for a bit before getting back to what I wanted. The relevancy of the results is sometimes a bit questionable too.

You will love the new search. I am paying extra for the enhanced search, and one of the key things in addition to speed is the ability to search much like you would "expect" to with Google. I've tested it on other sites and it works great.
I'd personally like it if you could keep the distribution of columns and the colors in the sub-forums as similar as possible to the present ones, makes for an easy read. Just my 2c of course
I think KVR was updated to looking like that too, and it dramatically decreased the amount of my visits especially at first.

Hopefully we won't deviate too much from the feel this forum has got now, or at least will be having an option of something similar to the current look.
I think the KPA forum looks pretty good an is more "flat design" than "web 2.0". The other examples are disgusting...