Need some tips on this mix.

I wish the guitars were a little warmer around the 500-800hz region. It also sounds like they could stand to use a little more gain, but that's really just my taste.

I am completely with you. Although i just couldn't figure out what they needed, is that what you think would make them a little crisper? they are pretty dull imo.
I would cut som freqs around 180-250Hz to get rid of the mud and boost around 1k Hz for more djentiness to the tone :p
I will, and i'll report back.

also, another question. What do you guys normally mix to? like what decibel? I am having trouble with mixing too loud and when i add vocals I have a hard time making them loud enough without clipping. I feel like when i start mixing with my kick, it is way high and i just mix everything else to that, resulting in a mega loud mix. tips?
I will, and i'll report back.

also, another question. What do you guys normally mix to? like what decibel? I am having trouble with mixing too loud and when i add vocals I have a hard time making them loud enough without clipping. I feel like when i start mixing with my kick, it is way high and i just mix everything else to that, resulting in a mega loud mix. tips?

-6 RMS is pretty loud and usually what I mix to before final mastering.
its not bad dude! i agree with the guitars, what are you using for the drums? and whats your panning on them as it sounded like you got them toms 100left and 100right?
yeah dude i'm with you, something is wrong with the toms, i think the problem is that i accidentally put a mono plugin on them? I'm not sure, ill have to check that out. Also, they are just samples loaded up in shortcircuit 2 in Cubase (because cubase doesn't have a sampler.) and i think shortcircuit can do random stuff to them too, like pan them by accident.
ah ok man I dont use Cubase, i'm a bro tools guy! so I dunno if it could be a shortcircuit 2 problem aha! but the mono plug shouldn't make a difference :)