Need Tips - First time with Impulses


New Metal Member
Nov 11, 2010
I'd like to get some tips on my overall mix as well as the guitars. I think the guitars are what I am having the most trouble with. This is my first time using impulses and it seems like I cant get rid of the muddiness of the guitars.

I put a High Pass filter and rolled it off around 80 on the guitars. I didnt do any other EQ on this mix.

Any advice on levels, EQ, etc would be awesome. Thanks.
I was using the Guitar Hacks "original center" on that mix... Thanks for the tips on the drums. I'll try using less compression and see what happens!
The important question is what is your entire signal chain for the guitars? Impulses are just to simulate diff cabs + mic'ing techniques... it's what goes in front of it (amp, amp settings, pedals, guitar, pickups, etc.) that shapes a large amount of the tone. What amp sim are you using, etc.