Need tips: Simple vocal microphone...

haha guys beat me to it but yea its that easy.
Next id like to hear that dude with the sm7.........
Guys, I know how good is SM7b. Just want to ask you why you don't recommend a good condenser around its price. Can't you get a crisper and more detailed vocal sound on a good condenser around its price?

I love the SM7, to bad it's to expensive for me over here, but it would fit him very well imho :D
like the others said, that easy...bam, that's it.
Guys, I know how good is SM7b. Just want to ask you why you don't recommend a good condenser around its price. Can't you get a crisper and more detailed vocal sound on a good condenser around its price?


In the price range defined, I have never come across a condenser that's as versatile and well-built as the SM7, and I've tried a whole bunch. In fact, I have favored the SM7 over a U87 several times. When it comes to aggressive vocals, it just works nine times out of ten and you don't have to bother switching and comparing a dozen different mics to find something you like.
I use the sm7b for everything vocal!!!
Its a no brainer.

I also use the build in filter (lowcut and high-mid bump) With them ON, your vocals are mix ready. No need for any eq. Just slam them with a compressor
I use the sm7b for everything vocal!!!
Its a no brainer.

I also use the build in filter (lowcut and high-mid bump) With them ON, your vocals are mix ready. No need for any eq. Just slam them with a compressor

Same. Wind shield off too. I've tried so many other mics and they can't beat the SM7.
audi technica at 4040 . i never liked dynamic mics for vocals. u87 is my go to mic for vocals, but i like the at4040 .
joey uses it for vocals (or has) and his vocal tones (opposed to his guitars...) are really cool.
you can always tame a condenser mic, but a dynamic mic just cant produce this intimacy - compare breaths
on a condenser/vs dynamic mic. of coourse it all depends on the singer and song...
but for realistic and upfront vocals - condenser for me. and the at4040 is in your price range ! ;-)