Need your guys advice and opinions


Mar 16, 2010
I recently lost my job in construction because my boss said he just doesnt have enough work for me and were i live there are just no jobs(moving is not an option) out there so I have come to realize that i am most likely going to have to make my own job.I am in no way good enough to mix or master albums but I was wondering if there is any market for lower quality mixs at a lot lower price for maybe bands that can't afford to hire a studio but still want something that is presentable to get there music out there.

here are the 2 best mixes i have done.the first one i am currently still working on and the second one was done months ago so my skills have improved alot since then. Messiah 1.mp3 of the Gods Final.mp3
Think about it this way:

Would you start a barber shop charging very little because you don't think you can really cut people's hair that well? What would be your slogan? "If you're a bum and it's been a year or two since your last haircut, chances are you won't look worse after I'm done!"

Nope. You go to a barber school, intern at a barber shop and/or cut your friends' and family's hair after hours and after having your shit together you either get a job at a barber shop or start your own.

I'm not saying your stuff sucks at all or anything, that's irrelevant. In fact, you would probably get gigs, but do you really want to be that guy, you know, the cheap guy in the block who can be pushed around? Or the guy who takes business away from those who charge enough to make a decent living out of a profession that can be really, really tough as it is?

Furthermore, if you're going the self-employed route, have you considered all the legal matters? Taxes? If you charge really little, depending on where you live you'll end up with pennies after mixing an album, definitely not enough to pay the rent. Can you mix four albums a month to get by? Or were you planning on going the shady route? You know, "I'm just starting out/not making millions/not a big player, no-one cares if I don't pay my taxes and buy my software." If that's the case (and I'm not suggesting it is), then you will find no empathy here.

Honestly, your best bet is getting any job that gets the rent and bills paid and work on your skills after hours until you feel you're good enough to keep reasonable rates. Just my two cents, and I apologize if I sound harsh, but in the end I'm giving this advice out of will to help out, not bring you down.
bands are more interested in the best sound they can get for their money.

so chances are, if you are charging a common price for below average mixes, the band will not call for your services.

how it works is like this. you work your butt off for a good year or two, putting out the best work you can do at the most insanely lowest price. then maybe later (if you have networked well and if people refer you to other bands-or vice versa) you can think about making a legitimate profit.

or, you can throw caution to the wind and intern somewhere that barely pays so you can try to network that way. only the strongest and lucky survive in this industry... not the desperate and hopeless. (haven't you watched enough television to know that)? ;)

good luck out there, buddy! :)

it's a very competitive market.
thanks for the advice.I'm not looking to start a business with it,just odd jobs here and there because my total bills a month are 70$ that is why i wont move because i am getting a freaking good deal here.But you did make alot of good points and if i do end up getting into this business I don't want build a weak have given me alot to think about so thanks
it is an apartment over a guys garage but really nice.All tongue and groove wood inside came fully furnished but it is way to small for two people(just right for one though
Thats pretty much it.I aint looking to be successful.Just make some cash on the side to help out
Seventy bucks a month? :zombie: Need a roommate? :lol:

Damn I want to his room mate too. :heh: I pay about 550 bucks every month where I live and its not too much here. But I agree what's been said already so good luck to you and eventualy you find a new job. I know it's tough financially to be unemployed. Been there.