Need your opinions and advices 8-) Not brutal :-)


Oct 18, 2008
Now i'm doing premixing of my group's album before mixing in studio and be very glad to get some opinions and advices.
here littles song without vocal, so you are welcome. Music is not very heavy and brutal, but not rock ;-)
What do you think about guitars, bass, drums (keys are bad 8-( i know), all mix.
Hello there, you better wait for experienced people here but here are my two cents:

Toms are big, big,big and the drums sounds with too much reverb for my taste. I liked the snare.
Guitars have to much distortion and needed a little more attack and presence.
The bass sounds good alone but is a little lost when the other instruments came in, I would try to make it more present.
I really liked the synths and the whole idea of the song.

That is my humble opinion.