Needing awesome tom samples

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I am after some amazing tom samples that sound similar to the likes of

Periphery (on their self titled album), Devil sold his soul - Drowning/Sinking (3:04 seconds) or Dream Theatre - As I am (the beginning awesome fills)

If anyone could help me, It'd be very appreciated.

You can try the amazing search function to find the 50 million amazing free samples that are posted all over this forum and take your pick instead of asking people to hand deliver exactly what you want with no effort on your part except to post this amazingly redundant thread! :D
'Tom sample' gives me pointless threads that have nothing to do with tom samples. I can find plenty of kicks and snares - but no toms.
Got my Sneap ones, they were what I were after, but the links were dead. My forum searching skills are made up by my awesomeatronic mixing and engineering badman skills.
I know the links were dead ... I killed them

I even said that in my last post. That shows exactly how much time you actually put into using search .. you didn't even bother reading a couple sentences in a post telling you the links were no good

are ya done being a leech yet?
I know I'm supposed to ignore shit like this and just hope it goes away but goddamn, this shit REALLY irritates me sometimes. I mean the fact that the guy couldn't even put ANY effort into searching and only wants people handing him the "perfect" samples so he can go away with them and never come back just shows he doesn't give a fuck about this forum or the people on it.

total lack of respect for the people and the forum = fuck off and die after managing to make yourself look like an ass
Heh people really need to chill out. If all anyone had to do at any point was search (using google as the 4 character limit is ass, this forum wouldn't exist.
For the most part, searching IS all anyone has to do. And if they read the stickies and all that stuff at the top. They would realize that we have a hidden little search that doesnt require that 4 character limit that you speak of.
Hmmmyeah that is why I said about using google to search. You misunderstand - If people were always told to search, from the get go (as seems to be the case here), this forum wouldnt exist.

Think along the lines of
"Hey we should make a really cool collaborative forum where we can share knowledge and information on the wonders of recording/metal!"


Maybe the powers that be should take this forum down leaving it only as a database for people to search. Then those folk who clearly delight in pouncing on innocent questions won't have to deal with this mild irritation (though you could just.. not .. reply) and the people who are unaccustomed to invisible order and hierarchy of how things work on this site will get some helpful information rather than snappy sarcasm.


NEW people are lazy, of course they are, why else would they be on a forum with a big name in sound? They want quick answers. You all did once.

SEARCH TROLLS are often equally lazy as rather than helping, they just type some shit about using search.

Just my 2c. And this isn't a personal dig at the dude delivering the rant (yeah i could search for his name but I'm shit), this whole attitude in general drives me up the wall.

NEW people are lazy, of course they are, why else would they be on a forum with a big name in sound? They want quick answers. You all did once.

SEARCH TROLLS are often equally lazy as rather than helping, they just type some shit about using search.

Just my 2c. And this isn't a personal dig at the dude delivering the rant (yeah i could search for his name but I'm shit), this whole attitude in general drives me up the wall.

When I and quite a few others were NEW we weren't lazy. We were reading everything that was posted by everyone and following tips already clearly laid out .. including using the search function. So no, we all didn't act that way at one time

SEARCH TROLL - interesting title ... anyway again, if you were actually trying to be part of the forum and community you would already be aware of certain users and their contributions to MANY new people who actually showed a desire to learn something as opposed to just a quick fix.

I don't take anything you're saying as a personal dig ... I'm gonna assume you were referring to me.