Here's a drawing I started a while ago. I'm still working on it. Some of the arm isn't in proportion and the string around the person's arm is not exactly in the right place as I wanted it to be.
why is it so dirty? Get eraser and fix that. It looks like you rubbed it with finger, if you did that: NEVER DO IT AGAIN! there is no better way to ruin every drawing, you can achieve any effect without touching paper with hands
The hand is way too short, and squeezing the hand in that place has no sense, there are 2 bones and it's impossible to squeeze all the veins.
Better work on it
I thought Needled 24/7 is a symbolism thing about using drug needles (Pinhead...??) that refers to a bad situation in life or something... like escaping life getting stunned. You don't stick the needle that low btw..
You can stick that needle anywhere as long as there is a vein. You could stick it in your leg, hand, sole....hell you could stick it in your dick if you wanted (if you're a guy, that is).
[edit]:The point of blocking your blood from flowing is merely to pinpoint the veins exactly so you can stick in the needle properly.