needled 24/7 question


Jan 10, 2004
ok so in the song he says

"a foot away from you is like being closer to heaven, better yet it's like being needled 24/7"

what exactly is "being needled 24/7"?
24/7 means 24 hours 7 days a week, so like "all the time"... at least that's my opinion... and i thought he sings "a foot away from you is like bit closer to heaven, and again it's like being needled 24/7"...but i dunno
I've always gotten the impression that it's about a girl that he really likes, but can't compose himself when he's near her, so he's in a struggle between wanted to be near her, but not wanting to see her at all, all the time.
It's just a line...:err:
It's a set of exaggerated contradictions: being in heaven and being constantly tortured). The lyrics say that being one step away from you is really good but it's also really bad at the same time.
I think the best conclusion is reached from this old saying "Who gives a flying fuck" its a good tune, leave it that way.
Uh, noone (but MagSec) knows what he means? I guess cause there's lots of foreigners, so they wouldn't know slang and colloquial terms (or cause most English ppl suck at their own language). Saying you're "needled" is another way of saying that you're bothered or angered by something (or annoyed).

I suppose you -could- say he's talking about actual needles. But that'd make very little sense in the context he uses... here, I'll break it down for the foreign folks who don't know enough English yet to understand what he means:

A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven
(he's saying that he gets a little relief from being away from the girl that the song is about)
But then again it's like being needled 24/7
(but it's a contradiction, because it bothers him so much to be away from her... a love/hate relationship, basically... some bitch that he can't stand being with and can't stand being without)
Or maybe ppl don't suck at english, like me, and posted exactly what you said above you without you noticing.
ubiquitos said:
hes saying that when hes a way from her it makes him happier, like the same feeling he gets from being high on drugs.....................just because alexi sings it doesnt mean that its about him.

true. Some bands talk about being the spawn of satan and about being dead, when in reality they are not :)
well...i dont like having discussions about the meanings of songs... each person has their own way to rather that each song in the universe be open to what its about...even if the song is blatantly about such and such, it could also be another thing to another person...

but for needled, and being the glam fan i am, ill take the girl route as well...thats just cool =)
Oops, sorry man I didn't notice. Oh well, at least it's extra clear what it means now...

I agree what ppl said about getting your own meanings out of songs... but I'd say Alexi's lyrics have a pretty clear meaning in this particular song. I'm curious to hear any other interpretations of these lyrics.
alexi laiho was abducted by aliens and they kept doing tests with him. So they divided his body into sections. 24/7 was his ass and when he says "being needled 24/7" he meant he was being anal-probed


I think the best conclusion is reached from this old saying "Who gives a flying fuck" its a good tune, leave it that way