Negotiations about touring


Curse You All Men...
Aug 14, 2002
Good news!
We are negotiating about getting our fat items to the road. Ukraine is gonna be the first step towards Europe we hope. Prelim. info: 9-10 shows during May 10-20 2007. I'll keep everyone interested informed.
well.. For all who interested.. The dates of Ukranian tour are almost confirmed.

May, 12th - Kryvyy Rih
May, 13th - Dnipropetrovsk
May, 15th - Zaporizhzhya
May, 16th - Sevastopol
May, 17th - TBA
May, 18th - Odesa
May, 19th - TBA

During this tour we`re gonna play huge set contained almost all what we ever played including new stuff like The Mired and Autumn Dancers. I think this set will take about 1,5 hour of music. And again all depends on how much time we`ll get from organizators.

That`s gonna be nice practice before our (if this sometimes comes out) "Forest Jump" to Europe. :cool:
A little update. The touring dates are:

12.05/17.30 - Krivoy Rog
13.05/18.00 - Zaporozhye

15.05/18.00 - Melitopol
16.05/19.00 - Sevastopol

18.05/19.00 - Odessa
19.05/18.00 - Vinnitsa
20.05/18.00 - Khmelnitsky

We'll keep on posting any new information about touring.
Will you have a tour diary or something like that? :)
It would be great if you could upload photos/video afterwards :D
You should take me with you as a journalist :D I'm pretty sure you'll be too tired to write anything there and restrict yourself to taking pictures :)
2 Berserk
Nice job, man! I mean your work of updating the site. Juust one question.. Is "?SFEACTOR" the real name of the band or it`s just writing mistake?
I see that our ukranian friends are watching band`s news about touring very hard. :)
Too bad you guys couldn't play a show in Kaliningrad in may :)

Don't think i'd be able to make it up to the Ukraine, although it would rule.
about support in Sevastopol: correct band name is Asfeactor.... :)

please make attention to our gig poster:
FS have safely and happily loaded the train heading to Ukraine!

So, the first gig in Kryvoy Rog, tomorrow night! Good luck :) and hopefully, it will be a successful start!
Ok, here is a rough translation of Omin's recollections of the tour to Ukraine. I'll translate the second part as well...but tomorrow...

Part I.
I've found a bit of time and jotted down the first part of my reminiscences.

So it's time to share our impressions of the ukranian tour. Warning--none of the travelling bands has any claims or offence whatsoever on the account of the audience or the management. In fact, it's vice versa: the recollections are truly positive. The following is written on the basis of facts that are impossible to ignore, and my personal impressions.
The main story is going to be about the concerts, because everytihng else--I mean travelling, after-parties, get-togethers, etc.--are just suplementary events.

Krivoy Rog: The trip there went fine since we travelled directly from Moscow. Our colleagues, Fragile Art, have already experienced the joy of local roads. Yet they had no idea what was to follow :), for until that time they were alone in the tour bus, hehe...I remember Froster's face when he met us at the train station. Looking at our luggage he meditated a bit and then said that comparing to our pile of stuff FA literally came with no luggage at all.

Finally we got to the venue, Paradox. Saying that the stage is somewhat uncomfortable would be saying absolutely nothing. It just does not exist. There is some pathetic podium for the drums however. But that's it. Sound equipment was sort of present, even a soundmixer was there...somewhere on the side... The best equipment by all means...:) But, we'll find a way out - with luck or without!

The concert itself went on as follows: the area in front of the stage was separated from it by some kind of a rope. You could see the most avid fans of headbanging hanging on it; right after them--a couple of rows of "the symphazing"--they made some effort to move as well. The weird thing was that there were more people outside than there were inside. As it became clear later on that this wasn't typical of only Krivoy Rog's public....I won't go into detail, but just mention that in general the concert was a success. However, in connection to the amount of people inside and their musical (or maybe gastronomic? ) preferences ("Give us the meat!") we had to cut down our setlist. But it was a start and that was the main thing.

Later on we watched "Eurovision" at home with our hospitable hosts. You could actually feel the intencity of emotions: we supported our candidate, and the others--theirs! At first it was hard to figure out that our "ours"--were ours, and their "ours"--were their "ours"! Finally, everything was settled peacefully, as one could have anticipated :)

Back on the road. First imrpressions are linked to the extreme roads of Krivoy Rog, which might not seem exactly potholed at first. There is some couleur locale in it though...
We sort of jumped our way to Zaporozhye. The venue, where the Dragon Fest took place looked fine outside, but it turned out that there were capital reconstructions taking place inside and the atmosphere was more than brutal :) --bending board-walk like in an old gym, stripped concrete walls and a crowd in front of the stage.
The stage was barely higher than the rest of the room and the light fell so as if the people gathered around a huge fire just to get warm :) But judging by the noise coming from within it was clear: there is a metal fest going on! :)

By the way, I think that was the only town where we didn't have a preliminary soundcheck. However, no one minded. Those few who made it till the headliners, considering awesome Fragile Art performance, while we were preparing for the show enjoyed the performance of a certain Rahmad, who screamed violently from the stage something like: "Dragon fest! Dragon fest! Let's thank everybody! Support the bands! It's gonna be cool! Here's the band! Let's suport it! Fo-rex-trim! Fo-rex-trim! Fo-rex-trim!" It was a hell of a soundcheck! :)

Keeping in mind the music preferences of the audience in Krivoy Rog, for that evening we have compiled maximally fast and heavy setlist. You can imagine our amazement when we were asked to play something doomy. So we did it...feeling a lot baffled...
And again I cannot help but point out the peculiarity of the public--continuously walking in and out, a lot more people crowding outside than inside and, somewhere around the performance of the moscow bands--people set off home...weird! :)
The next day was our day off so after the gig we had our fun. The majority chose the most exciting kind of amusement--deep and healthy sleep. :)
The others enjoyed a drink or two with the representatives of the local underground, who actually got drunk as a skunk quite soon. :)