Negur Bunget: "OM" (2006)


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
Negură Bunget: "OM" (2006)

It is with "struggling perception" that I write these words in the context of this latest Negură Bunget release - "OM" is a complex and layered piece of work and I feel reviewing it would serve an injustice. Music reviews tend to "trap" music by defining it, and I feel this conflicts with "OM" because it's a piece of work which I consider one of the most "vast" I have ever heard.

"OM" can not be approached from a typical Black Metal perspective. To do so would completely ridicule the amount of work that has gone into this new release and pigeonhole it.

This is not an "album": after listening to it countless times, watching the DVD which accompanies the music, accounting for the bands spirituality, combined with the complete visual presentation, I will say that "OM" is "a document", but I use this term as "vastly" as I can. Perhaps saying it's an "experience" is a better portrayal.

"OM" indirectly extends from the treat we got with the Inarborat Kosmos EP, but does so on a truly epic scale. One could almost say that Negură Bunget's entire existence has built up to this release: it combines their journey so far, but then leaps above to a new, almost unfathomable level.

This release is almost "sacred", it is highly conceptualised. Every note played or sung, every drum beat every growl or shriek and every ambient interlude seems to have a clear metaphysical and natural expressive purpose. The album seems to be written and performed in such a way that it is like air: everywhere, flowing through everything, almost physically touchable, having colour and yet having none.

Without being able to decipher the lyrics, I can only draw upon my feelings: this music is about cosmic life. It is about existence on a spiritually vast, yet physically small level. Our physically minute place in the universe, and the vast size of our metaphysical selves. This is what the music, using Black Metal (as a foundation only) speaks to me.

I say Black Metal is used as a foundation because this is where Negură Bunget's path has logically led to. Black Metal influences are still there as they were on "'N Crugu Bradului", but now the music has grown into something with more breath, and funnily enough, I think we first got hint of this higher maturity on "'N Crugu Bradului".

There are more sweeping (note, NOT melodic) elements to the music, we are treated to more ambient soundscapes, sounds of nature itself and excellent use of folk instruments as Negură Bunget have never shown us before. For those seeking the Negură Bunget Black Metal elements, fear not, they are still present, but now balanced with a majestic element to the music, a strikingly obvious and higher maturity delivered via exceptional musical execution.

"OM" can not just be listened to, it must be experienced via multiple senses: emotion, visual and aural in order to make complete sense. I found I came to this realisation more so when I had watched the DVD (more about this realisation in a moment).

The DVD component of "OM" (and I do consider it to be part of "OM" as much as the audio CD is) is jawdropping, the work that has gone into it is truly impressive: the band interview is fascinating and a must-see in order to gain more insight into the music. Every pixel of the artwork, every audible sound and spoken sentence has been paid attention, and despite some material on the DVD being pre-OM, it is VERY relevant to this release.

I highly suggest that people watch the DVD first, and THEN listen to "OM" itself. Because of the spiritual nature of this release, it is a necessity to comprehend and understand what their expression is about. It will make "OM" much more logical to take in.

It has been a long wait, but a wait that has been worth it like few albums have. This is not for the faint of heart, nor for the those seeking mindless aggression from their music.

"OM" is pure expression, done in ways that Metal has not seen the likes of before. In my opinion, it is a landmark release: Negură Bunget have finally achieved their higher level of expression.

For what I believe in the first time of the history of Black Metal, Negură Bunget taken us on a true journey of transcendence.

An outstanding piece of work.

Hubster, fantastic review. Completely comprehensive and informative. I'm waiting on "N Crugu Bradului" with great anticipation, which I just recently ordered. Thanx for the aural music link and the turn-on to this band.
great review Hubster ...

something just dawned on me recently, and I have been exposed to NB for quite a few years now, ... is that they are, dare I say, almost completely original. There is nobody that sounds like them.

this is most evident from 'n crugu onwards.

this disc is majestic in its sound and depth ... i can only compare it to great classical compositions.
lurch70 said:
great review Hubster ...

something just dawned on me recently, and I have been exposed to NB for quite a few years now, ... is that they are, dare I say, almost completely original. There is nobody that sounds like them.

this is most evident from 'n crugu onwards.

this disc is majestic in its sound and depth ... i can only compare it to great classical compositions.

Yes I totally agree with this. Funnily enough, when my friend introduced me to them a few years ago, one thing he said was that Negură Bunget's material had started to mature in recent times (this was back approx 2003), and with the release of OM this has become very apparent.

But the one thing I noticed from the start is that Negură Bunget do not sound like anyone else. I have never heard of any band who has their sound and structures. They are very unique, and in the world of Black Metal, that is very hard to do these days. I feel the move from using Black Metal as a primary expression to balancing it with other musical expressions in their work has enabled them to achieve this.

I truly feel OM is a landmark work, I can not think of any other metal-based release which can be used as a similarity. It is the first true new direction in many years imo. It will be even more interesting to see what directions they expand into.

Also of note, along with "OM" when I wrote the review, I was also listening to early music of the 15th century. Choral pieces and so on. I found that OM, whether deliberately or not, has parallels to early music in that the purity of spiritual or religious expression exists in both forms. I think this is a remarkable achievement for modern music, even more so with metal based music.
Hey Hub man, your review has inspired me to pick this one up, where did you get it from? JB hopefully!
The Hubster said:
Yes I totally agree with this. Funnily enough, when my friend introduced me to them a few years ago, one thing he said was that Negură Bunget's material had started to mature in recent times (this was back approx 2003), and with the release of OM this has become very apparent.

But the one thing I noticed from the start is that Negură Bunget do not sound like anyone else. I have never heard of any band who has their sound and structures. They are very unique, and in the world of Black Metal, that is very hard to do these days. I feel the move from using Black Metal as a primary expression to balancing it with other musical expressions in their work has enabled them to achieve this.

I truly feel OM is a landmark work, I can not think of any other metal-based release which can be used as a similarity. It is the first true new direction in many years imo. It will be even more interesting to see what directions they expand into.

Also of note, along with "OM" when I wrote the review, I was also listening to early music of the 15th century. Choral pieces and so on. I found that OM, whether deliberately or not, has parallels to early music in that the purity of spiritual or religious expression exists in both forms. I think this is a remarkable achievement for modern music, even more so with metal based music.

very cool ...

I am Romanian as well, and I can tell you that the folk elements they use are very true and performed more convincingly than by some of the bands in the folk genre back home ... Hora Soarelui is obviously a prime example of this. Just brilliant ...

I think Negru, the drummer, has a lot to do with their unique sound. His unorthodox drumming style, controlled, yet almost improvisational is truely a standout. Not to mention the immense general bass output this disc has. Some tracks are even great for cranking up in the car. It might not be obvious from your review , but there are a few pretty straight forward (in NB terms) raging tracks.
Agreed. Infact I find a lot about their music quite unorthodox, that is why I like them so much.

Danallica said:
Hey Hub man, your review has inspired me to pick this one up, where did you get it from? JB hopefully!

Gday Dan!

I ordered the album from Aural Music themselves. The official release date for OM is Nov 3rd I think. I pre-ordered.

Don't expect this album to hit JB soon mate, I can't imagine them getting something from Code666 too quickly.
This album seems very interesting judging by your description. I wish I had some damn money.
From what I've heard by NB - this one is the best. Its amazing... I love that they use some folk stuff in "OM". I also love that they sing romanian (I also wish I could understand a word...). And the music is so atmospheric. I think OM is totally great.
I considered writing a review for this, but later realised that if I wanted to write anything meaningful about the music, the task is impossible. I don't think I could do a better job than this.
You guys are all too kind:)

Thanks for your good words, I wanted to do a good job to desribe how I feel about this album, and I want other people to feel about Negură Bunget the same way I do. I hope your review feels accurate to you folks.

I just ordered OM from the End records. 12.99 for the whole package cd/dvd. I'm still waiting on N Cruga Bradalui from Aural music. If I had waited another week I could have got N Cruga Bradalui from the End for 11.50. Fuckin' impatience will get you every time.