NEGURA BUNGET mp3 preview

ok, you are all going to kill me for overeacting again ... but I just listened to the first 2 tracks and already ...

'n crugu WHO?

my lord, track 2 alone has more things going on than certain bands entire careers.

they took the best of 'n crugu and just upped the ante tenfold.

the production is the best ever ... Negru's kick drum has to be heard.
everything is just PERFECT!

and this is from a quick listen on a bright sunny morning driving to the office ... I can't imagine what this will do on a proper listen.

I was VERY skeptical of what they would do with this release but this is world class, world domination type of material.

Emi ... you have to pull out all the stops in promoting this ... it will be HUGE!
I agree.... the marketing for this album HAS to be stepped up. Its high time Negura Bunget got more recognition than what they have now.
well, I agree with you that "OM" is a Masterpiece, we've done a huge investment (for our possibilities) in the production, artwork, packaging and of course we are doing our best to promote it. the marketing budget i set for this album is probably one of the highest in code666 history, but i know the music business too well, and without REALLY BIG money you can't do that much... :erk:

so if you wanna help NB and c666 just spread the word of mouth to friends, forums, chat, concerts, music shops, etc... that would be appreciated! (and will cost nothing :heh: )
Someone should get some banners made up so we can have thme as a forum sig/put them on our websites/myspazz's etc.

...and help be grovel for them at Inferno damnit, the best way for a band to sell records is to appear live and kick everyone's arses:heh:
EDIT: I feel the need to elaborate a bit since I've listened to it properly now. Like every truely excelent album Om has songs that very immensly between themselves but at the same time they are still obviously a part of Om, from concept to sound. As a very nihilistic person I find this album quite distressing in many ways too because it has such a powerful aura of spirituality and a life of its own that it really stands at odds with my world view, however those of you with more spiritual beliefs will find this exhilerating I'm sure because Om really is an ideal more than an album and I'm sure that many of you will be moved by it. Other than this all the wonderful parts of Inarborant Kosmos' sound have been preserved, ehnanced and reimagined for Om, the folk instruments are used sparingly but stunningly and the ambient keyboards blend in perfectly with the rest of the instruments to create something as rich and deep as 'N Crugu Bradului but in half the song length. In short this is exactly what Negura Bunget claimed it would be, total maturation in every way, it is a powerful and confident album that is neither pretentious nor hollow, it is simply Om, in the perfect sense of the word.

Album of the year.