

Early Stages
Feb 15, 2007
I've recently been listening to bands such as Elend, Arcana and Dark Sanctuary a lot more frequently, and enjoying them greatly.

Are there any other bands that are along these lines that you think I might enjoy?

Any recommendations would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I've actually never got around to listening to him before now.

But having just listened to the tracks on his Myspace, I can see why some of his works would be considered somewhat Neo-classical, however it's quite a long way from the kind of thing I'm looking for (plus the relentless shredding removes him further from what I'm looking for, to be honest). Thanks anyway, though - it gave me an excuse to actually get around to hearing some Malmsteen, at least.
Rhapsody/Rhapsody of Fire

If you aren't looking for Malmsteen then I don't know what to say...
He's looking for actual new-classical styled music, hence him wanting stuff like Elend...

I could definitely recommend you some of the more grandiose recent post-rock bands. Have you ever heard Yndi Halda?
Rhapsody/Rhapsody of Fire

If you aren't looking for Malmsteen then I don't know what to say...

I was tempted to say Rhapsody and Therion, but they're more symphonic than neo-classical. They utilize symphonic elements, but still maintain a metal sound.

The only one I can come up with is ELfonia. They're a modern neo-classical, progressive band.
Rhapsody/Rhapsody of Fire

Are you trying to turn him gay?

@Uncreation: I'd recommend Dead Can Dance. They utilize a substantial amount of neoclassical elements among other things. As far as classically influenced metal goes, I'd recommend A Velvet Creation by the band Eucharist. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.

Lastly, I'd like to recommend that you pay no attention to vihris-gari's thoroughly Jewish opinions about music.
I was tempted to say Rhapsody and Therion, but they're more symphonic than neo-classical. They utilize symphonic elements, but still maintain a metal sound.
Yeah, that's true, I guess...
Yngwie is the father of neo-classical metal, and probably its best contributor. You would do well to seek out his works.
I don't think he means neo-classical as in crappy shredding.
Are you trying to turn him gay?
How are dragons gay? I've never understood that. Sure, they're goofy, maybe even stupid...but not gay.
I'd recommend Dead Can Dance. They utilize a substantial amount of neoclassical elements among other things. As far as classically influenced metal goes, I'd recommend A Velvet Creation by the band Eucharist. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.

I definitely like Dead Can Dance (at least the more Neo-classical styled stuff anyway), this is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. And I quite like Eucharist, as well. Thanks, Cythraul!

Rhapsody/Rhapsody of Fire
I've never found these guys worth listening to, to be honest. Thanks anyway.

The only one I can come up with is ELfonia. They're a modern neo-classical, progressive band.

I apologise for not hacing replied to this before, I somehow managed to miss it completely. Anyhow, the intros to many of the songs seem to be along the lines of what I'm looking for, however the songs themselves go somewhere else completely, which I didn't really like. Thanks anyway though.

Yngwie is the father of neo-classical metal, and probably its best contributor. You would do well to seek out his works.
Well, as said, he's not really the kind of thing I'm looking for. His Neo-classical stuff has completely the wrong vibe to it, and then he shreds all over the top of things, completely ruining any enjoyment I might find in it anyway.
Well, the closest I get to liking shred is Necrophagist's Onset of Putrefaction, and that's really a one-off thing, in my case. Besides, shred really doesn't belong with Neo-classical music, they are on completely different ends of the musical spectrum. Hence why Malmsteen's shredding removes any and all atmosphere that the Neo-classical elements of his music would otherwise create (which even then isn't quite what I'm looking for).
Check out Puissance. Total Cleansing, Mother of Disease and Back in Control are the albums I'd recommend.
If you like them, give acts like The Protagonist and Triarii a try.
Calm the fuck down, Cythraul. Or go away.

Anyway, I second Puissance, definitely...also check out Frederik's pre-Puissance project Octinomos. It's black metal but all of his albums demonstrate a definite classical sensibility.