We're excited to announce that a new Robotic Empire label release is now available, this time from New Zealand beasts NEON BASTARD! Meikhaus is the name of their album and CD is the circular format we've released it on. There's 11 tracks within 22 minutes, so that should say something about the frenzied pace of this maniacal debut. We're talkin furious punk, raging hardcore, stoney riffs, gritty noise rock and blasting powerviolence attacks.
Incidentally this is the second gnarly band from magical the land of kiwis that we've worked with, the first being last year's crushing debut EP from DIAL, whom NEON BASTARD share a guitar player. Incestious yes, but damn good jams of a very different nature are found on Meikhaus. The first 50 brave orderers will also get a free 1" NEON BASTARD button. Also: the first person to accurately guess what band (& release) NEON BASTARD have blatantly plagiarized on their album cover gets a FREE copy of said album!
* This is available now in the Robotic Empire - Online Store
* You can hear two tracks here, or possibly here (if you can find the player)
* Tracks from NEON BASTARD, DIAL and 16 others can be found now on our FREE Robotic Empire Label Sampler 2k10. Lil Jon approved!

Decibel Magazine was kind enough to give Meikhaus a nice little review too, found in the current issue with REFUSED on the cover. The detailed history of their landmark The Shape of Punk to Come album is a pretty good read as well. Pick that up here.
Beyond that overdue new label activity, we've also got a really solid update for the Robotic Empire - Online Store this week. Almost everything new is notable on some level, but standouts include the new PIZZA er... uh TEENS IN TROUBLE cassette (wtf name change / no more slices?!), new RED SPAROWES on both CD and vinyl, TAIGA import LP (Cliff from ISIS/RED SPAROWES/WINDMILLS BY THE OCEAN solo ambient glory), more imports and even more killer imports. Several screamo and doomy restocks as well, here ya go:
* Ancient VVisdom / Charles Manson - Split - 1-Sided GREY COLOREED VINYL 12" (Withdrawl) $11.99
* Gnaw Their Tongues - L'arrivÈe De La Terne Mort Triomphante CD (Crucial Blast) $9.99
* Hot Cross - Risk Revival - YELLOW COLORED VINYL 12" (Destructure) $16.99
* Knut - Wonder 12" (Conspiracy) $13.99
* Knut - Wonder CD (Conspiracy) $12.99
* Lords - F' All Y'all Motherf'rs - WHITE COLORED VINYL 12" (Destructure) $17.99
* Neon Bastard - Meikhaus CD (Robotic Empire) $5.99
* Reaching Away - Push Away The Moon 12" (McMurtrey) $10.99
* Red Sparowes - The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein Lies The Answer 12" (Conspiracy) $14.99
* Red Sparowes - The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein Lies The Answer CD (Conspiracy) $12.99
* Summer Pledge - You Are You 12" (Self Released) $7.99
* Taiga - Hsheal 12" (Conspiracy) $14.99
* Teens In Trouble [aka Pizza] - Self-Titled Cassette (Self Released) $4.99
* Wolves In The Throne Room - Black Cascade - PICTURE DISC VINYL 2x12" (Conspiracy) $25.99
* A Day In Black And White / Golden Birds - Split 7" (Paranoid) $4.99
* Amanda Woodward - Meurt La Soif - BROWN COLORED VINYL 7" (Paranoid) $4.99
* Geisha - Die Verbrechen Der Liebe CD (Crucial Blast) $5.99
* Geisha - Mondo Dell'Orrore CD (Crucial Blast) $7.99
* Giants - Old Stories - SPLATTER COLORED VINYL 12" (Cavity) $9.99
* Hot Cross - Risk Revival - ORANGE COLORED VINYL 12" (Paranoid) $16.99
* Hot Cross / The Holy Shroud - Split - PICTURE DISC 7" (Paranoid) $5.99
* Kowloon Walled City - Turk Street - RED BLACK HAZE COLORED VINYL 10" (Wordclock) $7.99
* Lords / Karysun - Split - RED COLORED VINYL 10" (Destructure) $16.99
* Monarch - Dead Men Tell No Tales 2xCD (Crucial Blast) $9.99
* Nadja - Desire In Uneasiness CD (Crucial Blast) $9.99
* Souvenirs Young America - An Ocean Without Water CD (Crucial Blast) $7.99
Also worth noting is our insane-o blowout sale on some Robo catalog titles (plus a few others recently discounted). Get em while they're cheap!
* A Life Once Lost - Open Your Mouth For The Speechless CD $.99
* A Life Once Lost - The Fourth Plague: Flies CDep $.99
* An Albatross - London: Live! Test Press Version - COLORED VINYL 12" $19.99
* An Albatross - London: Live! - COLORED VINYL 12" $12.99
* A Storm Of Light / Nadja - Primitive North [split] - PHOSPHORESCENCE COLORED VINYL 2x12"+CD $16.99
* Bad Secrets - Self-Titled - 9"+CD ALL VINYL VERSIONS - $9.99
* Big Business - Mind The Drift - BLACK VINYL 12" $19.99
* Black Cross - Sink, Knives and Chrome CDep $4.99
* Black Cross - Severance Pays CD $8.99
* Cannabis Corpse - Tube Of The Resinated 12" *ALL VINYL VERSIONS* $11.99
* Capsule - Self-Titled (Tape + Demo + Tour + More) 12" *ALL VINYL VERSIONS* $10.99
* Clouds - We Are Above You - 2x12"+CD $14.99
* Coliseum - Goddamage CD $5.99
* Ghastly City Sleep - Self-Titled 12" *ALL VINYL VERSIONS* $9.99
* Hewhocorrupts - Midi of Profits USB Bracelet $12.99
* Pelican / These Arms Are Snakes - Split - BLACK VINYL 10" $9.99
* Thou - Baton Rouge, You Have Much To Answer For - BLACK VINYL 12" $10.99
* Tideland - Asleep In The Graveyard 12" ALL VINYL VERSIONS $9.99
* Tideland - Pancake - T-Shirt ALL SIZES $9.99
* Torche - Bear - T-Shirt ALL SIZES $10.99
* Torche - In Return - ''Flies' T-Shirt ALL SIZES $10.99
* Torche - In Return - 10"+CD ALL VINYL VERSIONS $11.99
* Torche - Possessed - T-Shirt ALL SIZES $10.99
* Versoma - Life During Wartime 12" ALL VINYL VERSIONS $4.99
Thanks for checking out this latest update, peace!
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