Nero Di Marte - S/T

You posted the album artwork in that other thread and I just bought it based on that aspect alone.

I'm not even going to listen to these samples, I'll wait for the CD to arrive, and enjoy it accordingly.
I still do a good amount of purchases blind. Well, by "blind" I'll go on Metal Archives and see if an album has a high overall rating for some, but for others I say fuckit and dive right in.
been diggin this nero di marte album the past week or so. im glad they keep it mostly heavy, and the 'cleaner' parts are mostly in quieter moments, rather than the clean guitar weedly weedly that some bands in this sphere sometimes do too often for my tastes. good reco!
It just barely shipped the other day, haven't received it yet. It'll probably arive tomorrow, and then I will finally listen to it on March 14th, 2015.
I heard the first 10 seconds of the song and thought meh, but as the song goes on, I like it more and more.
So I did the smart thing and opened this CD only about a week after receiving it, and it's fucking cracked. :mad: :lol:

I asked them to send a replacement, but hey there Ken, can you send me some high bitrate mp3s or something?
Slow to actually follow up... These cats have an interesting sound. A couple songs really stuck with me, a couple others not so much. I did note they'll be here with Gorguts in the spring, that show should rule
i think that tour was just a quick east coast thing, gorguts is on tour with carcass in the spring
Yes, upon checking you are correct but I swear I saw them listed locally somewhere

That said, Carcass and Gorguts = :kickass:
This album is pretty god damn stellar. They sent me a new copy so now I have two, but one is in two pieces, so it's more like 1.8 + .2 copies.