Neronoia - Un Mondo in Me

Tom Strutton

Oct 23, 2006
Neronoia – Un Mondo in Me
Eibon Records - October 2006
by Tom Strutton



"Neronoia is a co-operation between Canaan & Colloquio
Neronoia is the mirror that reflects Happiness and Pain with the same, cold indifference
Neronoia is the fear that paralyzes by its light yet relentless touch
Neronoia is all the Evil we do to ourselves
Neronoia is the palette of a blind painter , who unintentionally paints all colours with the very same shades of grey
Neronoia is nothing. But to us, it is important"​

As stated above in an excerpt from Neronoia's official website, Neronoia is a collaboration between the musical outfits Canaan and Colloquio. Promotion surrounding this release typically points out that it will appeal to fans of Canaan, and this modesty is a continuation of the charming and welcome modesty displayed above. In actual fact, Un Modo in Me's scope of appeal will extend far beyond fans of the Neronoia's individual constituent acts. This is lovinlgy crafted darkwave and at every turn it is evident that Un Mondo in Me's creators care deeply for their creation. On top of this one gets the impression that these musicians are incredibly down to earth, which is nowhere more evident than in the final line of the above excerpt - "Neronoia is nothing. But to us, it is important". Anyone who truly understands the nature of producing art will feel the full weight of this statement.

Un Mondo in Me's cover art is bleak, stark and uninviting. Coupled with the fact that all the song titles are simply Roman Numerals through I - X, one might be forgiven for thinking that this album is not making the best of first impressions. Fortunately, the warmth and character of the ten songs within dispel any negative first impressions immediately as the listener is suddenly at the mercy of a very focused piece of work. Musically, Un Mondo and Me is strirring, melancholic and gentle. This is not epic music; rather it is music that sweeps and floats, tempting the listener into a dreamlike trance of the sort that brings to mind the pleasures of quiet reflection.

Three features typically characterize Un Mondo in Me: - A slow tempo maintined throughout, hushed spoken-word vocal performances throughout (all performed in Italian), and a near total reliance on ambient sound and studio effects to evoke the albums particuar melancholic mood. Neronoia have hit the nail on the head as far as each of these features go, particularly with the 80s sounding keys which cheerily offset the melancholy (which might otherwise be a little too oppresive). Some audiences, however, may interpret the albums consistency as a case of the songs sounding all the same as each other. There is an element of truth to this, but ultimately any such interpretation is dependant on individual aural awareness and discerning ears should have no problem picking out the subtle differences between each song.

Un Mondo in Me is a real treat - nothing spectacular but definitely a welcome antitode to the tired arrogance displayed by the hordes of undeserving metal bands that the national press typically hero worship.

Official Neronoia Website
Official Eibon Records Website