Nerve End - The Squid (Unofficial Mix) What do you think?


Apr 18, 2009
Hi guys, i recently mixed Nerve End (they uploaded the stems), what do you think about the mix ?

Of course it is unofficial mix ;) I used Peavey 6505 sim and tse x30 for the guitars, tse bod 1.0 on the bass and original drums.

Let me know what you think.

Band Page:

The band did a great job on the new EP, so check them out if you dont know them!

BTW - here is the link to my latest mixes, check it out too ! :) (open the video in the new window to see the annotations about the bands)

(please listen in 720p) Thanks

Excellent work man! sounds really fucking awesome, on these heaphones the vocals sound a hair to quiet? Again could be the cheap headphones..
Sounds pretty close to the original. I just have to say that I think it's totally unprofessional to market your mixing services with a pre-mixed song. You've primarily just reamped the guitars and bass and left everything else unchanged.

It's fine to upload the remix and get some feedback. But what you are doing is basically selling your mixing services with a song mixed by me. As I stated in the disclaimer: "Any commercial use of these files is sctrictly prohibited". There's no doubt about using the stems in an advertisement being commercial use. I think that sharing stems and tips etc. is what really makes learning this profession great. But when people violate the terms and use work done by others for their own benefit, I'm really starting to doubt if it's worth it.

I'm totally fine about you uploading your version on soundcloud, but that youtube video with my song included and a clearly misleading statement "here are a couple of bands i mixed recently" is really rude.
Just checked the comments on that video. There's comments like "did you mix the newest nerve end album? wow." and you haven't even cared to correct him. I also noticed you have the song up on your studios myspace account. Please just take the video down, and stop promoting your studio services with a song basically mixed by me. Taking full credit for someone elses work is unprofessional, unethical and illegal.