Neurosis- Through Silver in Blood


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
I've been listening to this album over and over again today. I love the grungy guitar tone on it... Anyone know what they used on that album? Google yeilds me nothing but crap when I try and search for any info on them....
Masterpiece... I saw them on tour and they were using a rectifier and a JCM900 head with 1960 cabs but I suspect they are using some fuzzy distortion pedal (Big Muff, perhaps)...
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
i know that they record everything live in the studio (supposidly)

I wouldn't doubt it, the songs sound exactally like they do live.....

I have a Relapse DVD with them playing Locust Star live.... I put the DVD right and the cd song left, and the timings matched up PERFECT from begining to end... Amazing if you ask me.....