Ugh, that song is horrible. Sounds like fucking LOLcore Mastodon. :ill:

Also, the keyboard is so ill-fitting. I mean, we're talking "angry" and there is just no way that any keyboard player can look angry behind a keyboard. :lol:

I don't think I will ever venture further back then Times of Grace. What was their 2007 release like?

Wow, your loss. Souls At Zero, Enemy of the Sun, Through Silver In Blood. All essential albums.
Did anyone go to this? This was probably one of the best shows i've ever been to. Neurosis just absolutely killed, so amazing. If i knew it was going to be this good, i would have went on Thursday as well. The band was extremely loud, at least where i was standing. Kelly and Von Till are just scary up there (intense), their vocals were just ferocious. An hour into the show, Kelly seemed to get even better :zombie: They played a bunch of songs off of the new one, and mixed it up with some tracks off the other albums. Distilled off the new one, came across crushing.

Mastodon was surprisingly good. Much better than the last time i saw them with slayer a few years ago. Their set was a bit long, but had some really great moments. They had some great riffs and dynamics going. Their vocals is one of their weak points, just too monotone. They seemed grateful openers , and i thought got a good crowd reception.
I saw them live once in 1996. The first half was really cool but the second half pissed me off. I wasn't really into this type of music back then, so didn't get to truly appreciate it, but I did say "I know someday I will be into these dudes," and it took about 7 years, but here I'm is (the Zombie Woof).

Actually I may have been at the show the above video was shot at. Watching it just makes me realize how ahead of their time these dudes truly are, and especially were 12 years ago. Fucking hell. :kickass:

Either way, I need to see them as a fan now. They don't seem to do many tours though. Sucks. The new album rules. Rules.
Oh yeah and any fans need to see the A Sun That Never Sets DVD.

That along with King Crimson - Eyes Wide Open and Tool - Salival make other music videos completely obsolete. KAPUT, BORKED, METALLICA.
I STILL havent gotten into their latest for some reason. :( I love the title track and another song I dont remember atm, but ...i dont f'in know.

I really do need to check out that DVD though.