Never a dull moment in my life...

woosta said:
Oh yeah, well I've been recruited by the Norweigian mafia, I've wrestled greased pigs, I've trained one legged midgets to do the jitterbug, I've been stalked by Mama Cass, I've gone swimming in a sea of iniquities, AND I opened for A Taste of Honey back at Studio 54. Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

Oh now stop making things up just to get attention!

MetalRose said:
found a nudist colony in Canada

A nudist colony in Canada? Ah, just what I've been looking for... a nudist colony where I'll literally freeze my balls off... :rock:
MetalRose said:
:) That's been with in the last week and a half! Shit if the adventure doesn't come to me, I go looking for it!

How are you?


Well I have replaced a water heater, dug up a root that busted a main sewer line and replaced the sewer line and I'm not even a plumber. I'm just too cheap to pay one because all of this happened at my house. :kickass:
Other than that and the fact, I am selling my house, just for it to be bulldozed (300K houses going up all around me) and looking for a new home.... I am doing well. I have been super busy too.
