Never Mind the Bollocks...


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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The Sex Pistols. Love 'em or hate 'em??? I'm just curious as they have influenced a lot of bands over the years....what do you all think??? Great? Suck? Couldn't care less?

This is the first punk album I owned back in 1986 when I had just become a "skate punk" and started reading Thrasher magazine and all that jazz...I skated up until my senior year and then cars and girls took priority....but fond memories...and a great album.

Old age and treachery, indeed.
I do enjoy da Pistols. Nevermind The Bollocks is a very solid punk album and was actually the very first step in my growing appreciation of old school punk, which was pushed much further with Bad Brains and the Misfits.
Never Mind... is great. I got it when it came out. I loved it and still do. Its raw and aggressive. And it has Fuck you written all over it. Play any 70s rock album before the punk movement and you'll notice that there's not half of the energy!

The punk movement inspired part of the NWOBHM and that in turn led to the thrash genre as witnessed by the Dead Boys cover on the first Over Kill and the "Anarchy in the UK" cover by Megadeth. Thats two punk covers I can pluck out of my memory right away. Their might be many more.

In short the punk moment was important for the later developments in Hard Rock & Metal!

O and I had the incredible luck to see the Sex Pistols live in January 1978! Now that was a gig to remember even though I seem to have forgotten most of it ;)
They were my favourite band when I was 13 :p

That album is probably the only good punk one I've heard.
tedvanfrehley said:
The Sex Pistols. Love 'em or hate 'em??? I'm just curious as they have influenced a lot of bands over the years....what do you all think??? Great? Suck? Couldn't care less?
Oh an easy one.

I hate Sid Vicious, I care less about punk and they suck anyway :heh:
Very cool album! I'm much more into the 70's NY punk scene but I do like Bollocks. They did it right, one hot ass album and out... no fucking around, just burned white hot for 1 release, turned the musical world upside down and then called it a day.
Wyvern said:
Oh an easy one.

I hate Sid Vicious, I care less about punk and they suck anyway :heh:
What a unbiased review of the band & punk rock in general, my daddy Worbucks looking friend...:D
Never Mind was great when I first heard it. It had this attuitude that I hadn't heard before. Unfortunately, like most punk records, they don't age very well.
Great band for the time & they did in fact influence a lot of bands. Yes, Wyvern even some that you like that, would have not existed if there would have been no Pistols...
sixxswine said:
What a unbiased review of the band & punk rock in general, my daddy Worbucks looking friend...:D
Thanks I try to do my best :oops:

Greeno said:
Now who's Mr Moody? :)
Who said I'm not moody? :Spin:

And I can't hate punk totally, after all I like Motorhead and looking forward to get Superchrist albums.
I think punk of that sort, on the whole, is unlistenable and not even really music. Seriously. It was anti-music, and deliberately so. That is to say, they were trying to go against all the "corporate rock" by be as unlike it as they could - one aspect of which was not even learning to really play.

I understand that many find metal harsh, especially the more extreme kinds of it, and some things like Darkthrone I can only take so much of myself. But as far as the Sex Pistols go, well, I think it was a trend filtered through music, and that is all. At the end of the day it was really only the trend that mattered, and that shows. I'm pretty open minded, honestly. There are few things I will disregard as just plain awful, and The Sex Pistols is one of them. Not ALL punk mind you, some of those guys can play, and come up with hooks and stuff, so it's not as sweeping a statement as it might seem.

Well, that was a mouthful....sorry.
Naagh, never got much into it, I actually heard Anarchy in the UK and thought it's a solid song, but every cover of it has been better imo (except the Green Jelly one). Punk and the people who were into it was sort of lost.
It's a good album, but it's way overrated. I guess the Pistols were more about the image at the time than anything else... I think many of their "peers" like the Ramones, the Clash, Television, Patti Smith, etc put out better albums at the time.
Wyvern said:
Thanks I try to do my best :oops:

Who said I'm not moody? :Spin:

And I can't hate punk totally, after all I like Motorhead and looking forward to get Superchrist albums.

I wouldnt consider Motorhead a punk band.. and Sid Vicious didnt play on the Bollocks album ... Glen Matlock did (he was kicked out because he said he liked The Beatles oddly enough and ironic enough considering the posts on the board as of lately lol ).. but anyways i loved the Bollocks album as well as other punk bands of the era especially The Ramones & The Clash... :headbang:
sixxswine said:
Great band for the time & they did in fact influence a lot of bands. Yes, Wyvern even some that you like that, would have not existed if there would have been no Pistols...
Ahhhh, but who's to say that they wouldn't have come up with their sound themselves if there was a world without Sex Pistols? ;)
Ayeka said:
Ahhhh, but who's to say that they wouldn't have come up with their sound themselves if there was a world without Sex Pistols? ;)
Because the bands have said so themselves. That record changed people's lives. It didn't change mine, but it was great for what it was. I still don't see what people won't give them credit for what they did. I guess people are in denial about it? You wouldn't think twice about giving credit to a band like MC5? Or how about Diamond Head? They weren't a technical band, but then again, what punk band is?!