Never post anything here, so thought I would post this


Aug 12, 2003
Well guys, this is not metal. At all. It's actually more foreigner esque than anything else. But, it does represent quite a few hours work and I'd love some advice on how to improve it- my ears have had it at this point. Tim Blake (Static) did vocals and we co-authored the lyrics and melodies. DSS3 basically reprogrammed the drums for me so mad props there. The rest is me.

Stuff I'm worried about: I'm not too happy with the piano sound(is actually a bit off in the beginning too), and the guitars are maybe in need of help too- the phaser kinda makes it seem off time to me but I don't know if I'm paranoid- was as tight as I could do it before I added that. Finally, the last tweak I did was add a bit more comp and verb to vocals and I wonder I sacrificed some clarity there. But yeah, I would appreciate pretty much any feedback, comments, or advice. Thanks in advance :)
I think the vocals are clear enough, actually a tad too present for my liking, also maybe use a Desser sparingly.
The drums are "small" in comparison to the rest, get buried most of the time, bass is a lil too big.
But maybe it should sound so?