(Neverheadz) Thoughts on HELLYEAH??? (I say HELLWHAT???)

Hahaha, Hellyeah. Five washed-up nu-metallers wearing cheesy cowboy hats form a shitty band and call it the dumbest thing they can think of..."Hellyeah". Nobody in their right mind would be interested in this lame crap. I hope this project bombs.
So this band is the drummer from pantera..who cares. The two worst members of mudvayne the singer, and guitarist? I don't know why you thought it would be good in the first place, but ok.

I agree. Mudvayne's bass player and drummer are very good, especially live. I guess I bought it because I was/still am a huge Pantera fan. But yes, I'm disappointed with the result.
you know nothing about playing music then.

not to mention what you said about vinnie paul not being a good drummer. He has one of the most brutal in the pocket groove in all of rock music.

listen to the bass pedal work on "shedding skin" and kill yourself with that emo gun avatar.

myspace.com/stromack <---------- go there and watch me play guitar. seriously.

learn english. "he has one of the most"????? all your stupid cutdowns are belong to us.

and who the fuck says "bass pedal work"? hahahahaha

sounds like you've been playing a little "pocket groove" with yourself. vinnie paul ALWAYS SUCKED. his fills are predictable, and his sound is too clanky. wanna hear drumming, listen to cryptopsy, dream theater, krisiun, kataklysm, opeth or 100 million other drummers.

and my "emo" avatar is 10298982.2 times better than yours. gargle draino. you lose.
and just because you're from texas doesn't mean you're a cowboy. i think rather than listening to hellyeah, they should paint the fatass up like a cow and just take turns riding him around on stage.

pantera was shit, nothingface was shit, mudvayne was shit, hellyeah is shit
myspace.com/stromack <---------- go there and watch me play guitar. seriously.

learn english. "he has one of the most"????? all your stupid cutdowns are belong to us.

He (noun - Vinnie Paul) has (verb) one (refers to groove) of the most brutal (prepositional phrase describing groove)

I have a college degree and work internationally as a journalist, you don't.

an "in-the-pocket groove" is when you play and your snare drum hit is not directly on top of the beat, but a little bit behind it, not off beat but on the end of the beat. Not a lot of metal drummers play it well. certainly not the guy from cryptopsy because he has no need for it. Portnoy can when he tries, that one groovy song on the first liquid tension is a good example. Vinnie is one of Portnoy's favorite drummers.

here's a pocket groove


listen to vinnie coliouta, the black dude from the dave mathews band, thomas haake (the last section of corridor of chameleons has a ridiculous in the pocket feel)

try something outside of your dumb machinegun death metal drummers (even though I like Flo)

educate yourself before you talk shit. you're dumb and you probably suck at guitar but I can't tell because your profile is private.
Congrats on working overseas. I bet your parents are proud.

I could really give 2 shits about "pocket grooving". seriously. And if it's something that the dave matthews band is known for, I really give 2 shits.

Watching the video. That looks like my grandfather. Unoriginal beat, too.

"dumb machine gun drumming". yeah. because theres no talent involved in playing 200bmp + playing off beat + linear grooving + locking in with the bass + keeping tempo. got me there.

You're absolutely right. I'm dumb. Glad you went for the most generic of all insults. Thanks for not bringing my mom into your retort. Really took the high road.

And me > you X 10000 at guitar.
Vinnie is, or at least was, a very good drummer. Whether or not you like Pantera is immaterial; he was the perfect fit for that band. It doesn't matter that he didn't blast at 200+ bpm or have any sort of death metal aesthetic, he played with taste and could write memorable drum patterns.

Oh, and Hellyeah sound shite, alas. The Neal probably summed them up best.
and just because you're from texas doesn't mean you're a cowboy. i think rather than listening to hellyeah, they should paint the fatass up like a cow and just take turns riding him around on stage.

pantera was shit, nothingface was shit, mudvayne was shit, hellyeah is shit
Whoa, whoa, whoa...nothingface was shit, mudvayne was shit, hellyeah is shit[/QUOTE]
ok now, better.
The only reason for this band is Vinnie Paul had to fulfill his Damage Plan contract and make 1 more album .I think it sucks .

Without Dimebag Vinnie is lost .

well that makes complete sense considering it's a different record label
Dimebag wasn't really hot shit. He had some cool riffs, but that's it. However, vinnie paul is a great drumm, albeit he's completely chaotic and changes his beats every other measure.
Vinnie Paul is an excellent, solid drummer. Not liking him is one thing, thinking he is a bad drummer? You obviously dont know what your talking about.
Congrats on working overseas. I bet your parents are proud.

I could really give 2 shits about "pocket grooving". seriously. And if it's something that the dave matthews band is known for, I really give 2 shits.

Watching the video. That looks like my grandfather. Unoriginal beat, too.

"dumb machine gun drumming". yeah. because theres no talent involved in playing 200bmp + playing off beat + linear grooving + locking in with the bass + keeping tempo. got me there.

You're absolutely right. I'm dumb. Glad you went for the most generic of all insults. Thanks for not bringing my mom into your retort. Really took the high road.

And me > you X 10000 at guitar.

Alright you "cocky bastard". Give us a direct link to some proof of this. I'm a "METALHEAD" but am open-minded enough to realize The Dave Mathew Band contains talented individuals.
Alright you "cocky bastard". Give us a direct link to some proof of this. I'm a "METALHEAD" but am open-minded enough to realize The Dave Mathew Band contains talented individuals.

un-privated myself. myspace.com/stromack

should be 6 videos under "my videos".

these are all taken at a local guitar center, so the gear is NOT my own. i.e, no way I could practice with it. i'm a fender man at heart.