Nevermore/Killswitch Video Mixes?

last night on VIVA's "Hell's Kitchen" they played that mentioned KSE song
and if I wouldn't know how it sounds on the actual CD, I would not buy it because
of this. I wouldn't even considering wasting some bandwidth on it.

cutting parts of song to fit a certain length is ok (not good but ok) but this .... no way.
Honestly, Enemies sounded like crap i can't imagine the radio or video mixes being much better. Too muddy. Plus editing an already not too long song down about a minute to cram in on the airwaves....KER-GAY!!! Massively lame.

But if we are going to argue art vs profit that's just retarded. There is art to writing a song reguardless of how pop-y it is. Even the most dispised no talent creation to be produced ever had some art to its creation. The whole thing can be summed up by the analogy between art and design. Neither can really be seperated, sure you can DESIGN a band and a song tailor it to a specific genre or target audience but there is still the art of creation involved I suppose. On any level the tailoring that gets done to get a metal band out on the airwaves is somewhat annoying because they do cut and edit parts of songs that we as metal listeners enjoyed the original way. Appealing to a larger audience shouldn't be the goal.
I think you guys are missing the point. It's not like this is ever the band's idea. But if anyone thinks that increasing your audience isn't a goal for all bands, then you've never talked to record label folks. Besides, it's way more fun to play in front of 1000 people than 2.
obviously, commercial success is nice to have, and I think any band that says thats not a goal is, er, lying...probably. Surely though, any steps in song writing, arrangements etc should be taken before the recording/mix. Seems to me, there's always someone who thinks they know better, when of course , I'm always right! :tickled:
Truthfully I probably wouldn't consent to song changes personally. But I imagine that gernerally the label says "we can get you on MTV with a remix." And the band thinks "same album, small changes to radio version, big exposure difference." That's how I imagine this goes down most of the time. I don't know whether the remix makes a difference but no doubt that's what the label beleives and the band is told. Cutting a line sucks, but it's not like saying...."alright we're going to have the dude from POD rap on this section." I just don't see it as an unforgivable offence (rapping is pretty unforgiveable).

Hokpkins: 2 is better than none. thanks again.
finally saw the video too it's on their website now ...
i think the clean vocals (pre-chorus) with the screams pushed back sounded cheap
the screams in the back and the clean melody in the first pre-chorus don't mix maybe they should have cut the screams entirely or something cause this melody verse seems like made up at the last minute and takes the balance right out of the song ...
a shame for such a killer song (and mix) what's up with the drums ???

don't get me wrong a great title track but not this version
it pisses me off a bit
great video though i must admit way better than their last one

just some thoughts
mark :hotjump: