Nevermore Official Site ~problem

They are preparing for this Godless endeavor.
If you remember they did the same thing with the previous 2 or 3 releases. the site was basically just one page for a short time until the CD was released. Then the page redesign appeared.
That site needs serious help anyway. It is one of the most poorly designed/run sites out there. Let's hope that once it's all done for the new album, there will be more things added (merchandise, etc.).
I always found it kinda awkward that I found out news about the band from other sources like a month or two before it was even mentioned on the site (message boards being one of the other sources.....even though they are linked) o_O
I hate to say it, but I've seen local bands with sites far beyond Nevermore's. Shit, my site has 8 times the amount of media and material. I seem to find out things regarding the band from other sources before the site.
I'm sure in this sea of fans someone can help out. My drummer makes sites for huge companies, and I'm sure he could whip something real cool together for NOTHING!!!
Yeah, I was looking for info on the new album, and was appauled by the lack of it. Fucksake, in the build up to an album release you want everything working in order, to get the fans blood pumping. There should be weekly updates, giving teasers of information... but ney. Just a lame-ass-site with not a single hyperlink. Crap!
Metros said:
I always found it kinda awkward that I found out news about the band from other sources like a month or two before it was even mentioned on the site (message boards being one of the other sources.....even though they are linked) o_O

How true....

Nevermore desperately need a better web site IMO.