Nevermore/voivod Similarity....(


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I was listening to the VoiVod song Tribal Convictions and noticed that at the end of the song the lyrics are "Who's god...Who's dog" and I was wondering if this has any correlation to NEVERMORE'S "I Am The Dog"? Warrel stated in interviews that God backwards is dog. I was just wondering if Warrell ever listens to VoiVod and if he considers them an influence. I could be totally off base but thought I would ask anyway.
I think "Fault of the Flesh" sounds a little like VoiVod too. That weird Twilight Zone-sounding guitar riff sounds like it was influenced a little by Voivod. Besides I've heard other people say that DNB sounds a little like vovoid, probably because its so ahead of its time.