Sanctuary/Nevermore lyrics coinciding with current events


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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In the wake of the aftermath of the attack on the U.S.A., I sat back last night and drank a few beers and took a few Xanax (ZANEX) and marvelled at how Warrel's lyrics related to what was occurring. In a recent post I noted that our world is in "Deconstruction". Also, LSD PHILOSOPHY agrees that the world could be better if we follow the advice of "Timothy Leary", to set back and take a trip, and free our minds. Others in this forum have talked about "Future Tense". I guess I'm generalizing but many Nevermore/Sanctuary songs could relate to what has happened. It could have been my buzz, but the words in "Eden Lies Obscurred" really struck a nerve. "Sing a song of sadness, of lunacy's mad lore. Bastardized by the dogs of war, a woman pure now made a whore." I just thought this was fucking cool because it's one of my favorite lines from Sanctuary/Nevermore. Has anyone else noticed these coincidences or is it just me and the CHEMICALS?


"The darkwave comes, Sanity slips away, She screams from the alcove, I AM THE DOG!!!"
:loco: :heh: :rock:

Zanex- I also put on Sanctuary last night, The Third War on Refuge Denied, seemed fitting for yesterdays shit... It sucks that war is a part of our society, I wish it were different, but there is definately going to be some repercussions to whoever did this... I am telling you- Smoke a bowl, drop acid, drink a beer, gain mushroom power, do whatever, just chill out and tolerate and enjoy the differences in people. Create Your Own Religion...realize, your not perfect, your god is not perfect, there is no such thing as perfection (Except PoE of course, hahaha) because if you have perfection there must be imperfection
These lyrics of Dead Heart have an even greater emotional resonance with the tragedy...we must remember wounds so deep take time to heal, and sometimes though we struggle still life seems still does, as a lifelong NYC resident it still seems inconceivable that the towers have fallen.
What about...

"Fly me away to a better world where there's no more war, and can be no shame.."

"For what I've seen must surely be in the eyes of the sorrowed man..."

By far and away my favorite Nevermore song ever.
What about Megadeth's Looking down the cross?

-Down the walkways, through the blood stained town, looking down the cross, bleeding from the crown
-Putrifaction you've caused, no need for confession. Now you wish, you had a god, to stop the demolition. Crushing bones of a hundred folds, swinging the judgement hammer. Man, Woman, Child, no-one is safe. The heads of the dead are the banner.

What about Sepultura's arise?

-Cities fall in ruin, why must we die?
-Obliteration of mankind under a pale grey sky
-Terrorist Confrontation, waiting for the end. Wartime conspiracy.
-I've no land, I'm from nowhere, Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
-Face the enemy, manic thoughts. Religious intervention: Problems remain.
-I see the world - Dead.

What about Slayer's Bitter peace?

-Enter the soldier blind, stalking the faceless hunt. There is no conscience in this world that can be reached for. Peace.
-Not the last, third war. Blood spills forevermore. Lay seige till the end of time, no longer kill your brother, just slaughter one another. Watch for the deadly other.
-Without a reason to fight, a time to kill. Sick lust for skeletal flesh, a taste for all decay.

Any song can be interpereted as meaning anything. In fact, "survivor", by desinty's child could be a prediction of the aftermath of the tower plane-bomings. :P
ahahahahahaha... Destiny's Child... I wanna know from my fellow Neverheadz around the world if that shit flies right in your country, because here in the U.S.A they pollute our minds with this kind of crap... you know, Britney Spears, Boy bands all that type of shit is it popular at all, and if not then I am coming to your town (do you have a strong acid hookup??? hahah)
It's terrible now, they're playing Metallica's new stuff, and then a clip of Limp Bizkit, and then a clip of Christina Aguilera. It's shameful. They're all just as bad as each other.

Actually, Brisbane's got lots of weed. Not so much acid tho.
This is just a shout out to everybody who has replied to this thread. I especially like the quote from "Sorrowed Man" by dead_fetus. The "other world" is a place we all long to be. Sometimes, we can go to the "other world" if we have the right "materials", ask LSD Philosophy about this. I have also thought about Megadeth's "Holy Wars...Punishment Due," Sepultura's "Beneath The Remains," along with "Arise" and "Slave New World," and Slayer's "War Ensemble." By the way, has anyone heard the new Slayer yet. I just picked up a limited edition C.D. with more artwork including a bible cover with blood with and Slayer burnt into the cover. Actually, this is on I've only heard the first two songs so far. Well, take care everyone, and request more METAL on the radio, MTV, VH1'S "ROCK SHOW," and where ever else by calling, writing, and e-mailing.


"Sanity slips away, she screams from the alcove, I AM THE DOG!!!

ZANEX "THE DOG" :heh: :rock:
What about...

"Fly me away to a better world where there's no more war, and can be no shame.."

"For what I've seen must surely be in the eyes of the sorrowed man..."

By far and away my favorite Nevermore song ever.

wait, oops. shit.