Nevermore wrist cuff! Look!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I've been meaning to post this for some time, but alas.

Andrew made this for me - It was my present during our first Christmas in 2007 (along with some arrows for archery) :blush::blush::blush:


It's made from leather, brass, nickel silver and steel closures (riveted). The scanner made the NM look slightly distorted.
I cried when I opened the box, yep. I wore it every day - to the point where it needs some repair now.
Eeee's amazing!

zomg, Nevermore-related!
I want one with a Shpongle mask!

Really though, pretty awesome stuff there.

I really do want one with a Shpongle mask!
but I lack the mad equipment :(

Meh! I need to get that boy on here, but he's too busy hogging my comfy couch..