Nevermore-Year of the Voyager dvd thoughts.


Dec 10, 2006
Has anyone seen this yet? I nearly threw my copy out the bloody window. Whats with all the rapidfire editing?? You get shots lasting like 1 second on each bandmember, then intertwined with black and white footage. You'd have to be a 10 yr old ADD sufferer on crack to enjoy this. I'm really disappointed with this as I'm a massive Nevemore fan. I dunno if budget or something figures into it, but geez. They sound amazing and the chops rule...but shit it's hard to watch. *Goes back to the well shot Evergrey dvd*
The mix and sound is better than the Evergrey dvd though, I just didn't like the sound of the Evergrey dvd much. Best sounding live dvds are Opeth's first one, Arch Enemy's, Slipknot's disasterpeices, and Arcturus.
Has anyone seen this yet? I nearly threw my copy out the bloody window. Whats with all the rapidfire editing?? You get shots lasting like 1 second on each bandmember, then intertwined with black and white footage. You'd have to be a 10 yr old ADD sufferer on crack to enjoy this. I'm really disappointed with this as I'm a massive Nevemore fan. I dunno if budget or something figures into it, but geez. They sound amazing and the chops rule...but shit it's hard to watch. *Goes back to the well shot Evergrey dvd*

I'm glad you posted this. I was considering buying the Nevermore DVD. Given how you described it, I'll skip it. I hate videos edited like that. I can only imagine they're done that way for two reasons: (1) the editor is piecing together parts from various gigs to make them appear seamless, or (2) the editor is trying to be artistic. Either way, it sucks.

When I go to a concert, my eyes don't flit rapidly from singer to guitarist to drummer to audience to bassist to drummer to...

I stare. I soak up. I take it all in. When I've enjoyed watching one performer for a while, I'll look at someone or something else. I don't want a video editor to make the transitions for me. And especially not in 1-second increments.


Bingo. I'll seek out some vid samples online if they're out there, but if it's edited/directed like this, count me out.

found this:

Is it representative of the concert feature on the DVD? It looks more like the intro segment to a doc section. Can't tell. I would ordinarily expect a segment like this to be interspersed with quick takes from interviews, etc. This isn't the way the actual entire concert is cut, is it? Audio does seem to sound great though.
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Has anyone seen this yet? I nearly threw my copy out the bloody window. Whats with all the rapidfire editing?? You get shots lasting like 1 second on each bandmember, then intertwined with black and white footage. You'd have to be a 10 yr old ADD sufferer on crack to enjoy this.
Oh, lord, I HATE when they put videos together like that. Thanks for the warning. I'll stick to the audio CD.
Well, to be fair I only watched the main concert feature which I believe was shot on one night. There is a second disc with alot more live footage from festivals and other stuff. I would'nt write it off completely...but it is highly annoying.
If the DVD is like that, I might pass too. It was my biggest issue with Iced Earth's DVD. I'm like "C'mon dude, just stay on one shot for a while."
I feel like I'm getting a seizure when I look at that video,the music is killer though(I'll buy the cd but if it's only on that one tune it is doing it then I might go for the DVD,don't want to waste my time in the ER lol)
Watching it as I type. First off, it's stunning looking. The quality of the shooting and the editing are just awesome. Best I've ever seen in a Metal video. As for the quick cuts, they are aplenty. However, fear of seizures isn't very Metal.

By the way, comparing a Slipknot DVD to a Nevermore DVD is apples to oranges. You can't compare a platinum selling band to an underground artist. The budgets aren't in the same stratosphere. If you're looking for DVDs to compare Slipknot against, then take a quick glance at Billboard's Top 20.

Watching it as I type. First off, it's stunning looking. The quality of the shooting and the editing are just awesome. Best I've ever seen in a Metal video. As for the quick cuts, they are aplenty. However, fear of seizures isn't very Metal.

I agree! I thought I would be annoyed by the quick changing shots, but the shooting quality is awesome. I liked all the up close shots of each band member playing certain parts, and the sound quality is phenomenal, so the changing camera angles didn't bother me at all once I got used to them after a couple of songs.
I spent $25 for the 2dvd 2cd, I finally had the money yesterday to pick it up from my buddy who orders stuff in for me, been waiting for me for like 2 weeks, and I think it is amazing. No complaints by me, other than, I wish they played more songs, hehe.
I don't understand how it is not watchable. It looks great and looks tons better than many other live dvds I have seen, and like i said before, I have no complaints, I love it and the editing doesn't bother me, only I wish it had one of those pick your camera features, even if only for a few songs. This dvd actually cemented in Nevermore as my favorite band, because when I was thinking about it, they could play any setlist they wanted to, and it would always be complete with songs I want to hear 100%.