Nevermore-Year of the Voyager dvd thoughts.

I sampled the live audio discs last night and they sound fantastic! I can't get over how tight these guys sound live, but this is my first experience with live Nevermore. I've become a fan of these guys within the last six months or so.

I really love the Nevermore DVD, but I am a fanboi to begin with.
I do however agree with the fact that there are MANY quick cuts, a few more long sweeping shots would have been better. it is shot wonderfully, one of the best live shot shows I've seen in a while.
My theory about all the quicks cuts is that it appears as if every song was cut like a music video, therefore any song could possibly be used as a video. If you watch one or two at a time it makes sense.

but it is still hands down a fantastic looking and sounding DVD! A must have for any fan of the band. I do wish they put the Seattle show in there as I flew from CT all the way to Seattle just to be in the damned thing.