Nevermore's Nielson Soundscan #'s

This is no surprise, really. They're on Ozzfest, there are ads everywhere on the new album and they are on headbanger's ball. What surprises me is the push that CM is doing for AE. It doesn't seem to be that strong for Nevermore. Still, I know that TGE is a way much better record! :worship:
yeah when we went to Best Buy on that Tuesday of the release, the first Best Buy did not have any of the album, and the second one we went too had 2. No displays or anything, however Arch Enemy had itself quite a large display and was on the new release shelves and everything, while TGE was not.
well its kind of logical if you think about it a little.

AE is exactly what these american metalcore bands have been ripping off for the past 2 years. Might as well push the REAL DEAL.

Nevermore is just way too unique to compete with the current trends in popular music. Arch Enemy is more accessible for the kids who think Atreyu and Unearth are the greatest bands of all time. (laff)
^ ^ Exactly!

:( Damn, this is disappointing news, for sure. Arch Enemy is pretty good, but after hearing Nevermore's TGE, I was stunned. TGE is definitely the superior album in my eyes.

If Metallica sold so many records in the past, it is beyond me why it is taking so long for Nevermore to be truly appreciated in the metal community.

Btw, I bought my copy of TGE at my local CD-PLUS store, and shit...I was BLOWN AWAY that there were like 10-15 copies of it. I don't know if this was a good or bad thing, actually.

If Arch Enemy REALLY doubled Nevermore's #'s, I can imagine what IN FLAMES' #'s are. AYe...
The sad thing, for me, is I heard the AE the day I picked up the TGE...and I'm sorry, it sounds like mallcore crap upped a tenth better, nothing more. The lyrics are boring, amatuerish jargon and the music, while competent, is settled into mediocrity. Again, just my opinion, but TGE is, yes, the far superior recording...sadly, though, they (AE) are more accessible to this idiot younger crowd that knows no better :(

God, am I glad I grew uop in the friend couldn't believe I actually saw Sanctuary twice back in the day. He look at me like I was a thousand years old...

I hope word-of-mouth keeps this CD going. Everytime I post a live show in Dime I make/made DAMN sure they know it's out and that the date 7/26 was burned into their brains!
Although, as sad as 5000 may seem, I'll bet almost anything that this one blew away the first week figures for "Enemies..." And if you think about it that way, this is a huge success...which I'm sure will only continue to grow in the weeks to follow.

Also, I'm sure that 5000 exceeded CM's expectations, which is great for Nevermore...while I know that AE's numbers are quite a disappointment...they were expecting closer to 20K for the first week on that one.

Considering all the people that illegally downloaded this album more than a month ago, I'm sure that the majority of those people who claim they'll still buy the CD probably won't right away...if at all...bastards!! ;)
Who knows the inner workings of a label eh?

I reckon Century Media did have to compromise promotion of one of the albums and TGE was the one to draw the short straw. Maybe the success of Arch Enemy's previous two studio albums along with their Jagermeister appearences showed greater promise of shifting Century Media units than TGE did.

If I were to weigh up both albums I would say TGE is better although both albums are two of my favourite of the year so far. I doubt many, not even Exodus, will top them. I really liked Enemy of God and am getting into the new Opeth quite a lot too.
the_drip said:
AE is exactly what these american metalcore bands have been ripping off for the past 2 years. Might as well push the REAL DEAL.

Nevermore is just way too unique to compete with the current trends in popular music. Arch Enemy is more accessible for the kids who think Atreyu and Unearth are the greatest bands of all time. (laff)

If this aint the truth, preach that shit!!
PratlPoet said:
The sad thing, for me, is I heard the AE the day I picked up the TGE...and I'm sorry, it sounds like mallcore crap upped a tenth better, nothing more. The lyrics are boring, amatuerish jargon and the music, while competent, is settled into mediocrity. Again, just my opinion, but TGE is, yes, the far superior recording...sadly, though, they (AE) are more accessible to this idiot younger crowd that knows no better :(
Well said. The sad part is, the songs on "Doomsday Machine" sound like leftovers from the "Anthems" sessions. If the same exact vocals were performed by a man, this disc would have sold 2,000 copies this week, if that. Which isn't a knock on Angela, it's merely a comment on the on the CD-buying public.

I only got around to ordering TGE yesterday, and to fill out the order, I wasn't really thinking about how bad Anthems was. I figured the new one couldn't possibly be that bad. I ordered the new AE. I am going to be pissed at my stupidity, I'm positive of it. The newest Green Carnation will take away that bad decision.

Looking forward to new Nevermore tunes. I still listen to all the old ones, minus Dead Heart, which I did not like very much.