

Feb 18, 2008
saw this posted on facebook some time ago and
couldn't get it out of my mind since then...

would it have any positive effect on guitar/bass strings!?

i wonder if it's actually applicable on strings...

any testing volunteers!? :D
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Cleartone has is already available for strings. They are great and they don't feel coated at all, just like regular strings. They also treat the plain strings too.

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"Caution - Don't spray NeverWet on female private parts"

There are soooo many ways to troll people with NeverWet, and just to stay on that level, bukakke + NeverWet = Muhahahahahaha!
And whatever you guys now might say, I am German, I've heard worse :D
Cleartone strings sound deadish on an acoustic guitar just like other coated strings. Haven't tried the cleartone brand on electric, but I can take a guess.