Neverworld is 10 years old

Congratulations...the single achievement of the greatest album ever made by my vote. It's the best album ever made in other words! There is just nothing else to be said, than WORD!

It's definitely one of my favorite albums of all time. Absolute classic. Will have to give it a spin later today in honor :) I'd say my favorite songs are Edge of Time, For Evermore, Into the Light, the title track, and Temple of Fire!
Ages ago I made a favourite albums of all time list...and a most influential albums to me personally list...Neverworld was one of the very very few which appeared on both.

Big special place in my heart for Temple of Fire but really every song is knock-out. The album simply demands a full listen each time, you can't just stop at one track!
That album is amazing and I really loved listening to it. I only listened to it in its entirety only like 2 times so I hope to get to listen to it much more.

Particularly best songs I enjoyed the most are Temple of Fire and Sacred Land.

In terms of my favourite PQ album though, I'd have to say Master of illusion is my favourite.
Yeah, Lost Without You is my favorite from the album at hand, however, the album as a whole is THE best I've heard by any band so far. lol

Congratulation and thank you Power Quest! As mentioned above, one of the best albums of all time. For evermore is the best song on this album!!!
Steve sure knows about catchy. Neverworld sure has songs that can get stuck in your head for a long long time. I like albums that can be heard over and over without getting boring at all.
Oh that album brings back memories of me singing "Temple of Fire" horribly off-key and my then-girlfriend wincing. I also remember writing a very enthusiastic review (to which I stick to this day). It's such a good record all around and it really shows the songwriting abilities of a certain Mr. Williams to a tee.