New 1960DM Shootout


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
The last time I did this the speakers weren't broken in as it was brand new.

Ive re-done it and used the 6505 this time, also reamped both L & R to give a better representation rather than just a single mono track.

I used the green channel for these but once id finished I picked my usual speaker, changed it over to the red channel and EQ'd it a little for the lulz. Tones a bit on the thin side, because I dropped the bass/res right down, sounds way clearer through this cab, might have dropped it a notch too far but still these won't be needing any C4 ;)

No EQ at all on any of it beside the one WAV specified: Shootout 2.rar

Which do you like?
TL then, sounds a bit more defined, would need some taming of the highend though.
BR is also nice, but a tad dark

edit: nope BR wasnt the dark one, but anyway I like TL a bit more...57 on a v30?

edit2: BR just has a bit of hollowness that I wouldnt miss...
Yeah its all a 57 on each V30. BR's got more midrange that jumps out to my ears but its got a buzzyness....I might experiment with this one somemore.
BR is also nice, just a different tonal character...mic positions were as close as possible the same I guess? could also be just that^^
BR is also nice, just a different tonal character...mic positions were as close as possible the same I guess? could also be just that^^

Approximation only :p I can never get the exact same spot, though its still enough to show the different characters of the speakers :p
haha yeah I like to think that it's just that...else it take me forever to pick the best speaker ;)
I like the top ones more most of the time. so on my cab I go TR most of the time...but if I have the time this saturday (my pc blew up right before I could get it started last week) I'll also try to make a little shootout for the sake of doing it :D
thanks for the shootout.

Dont take it the wrong way, but after hearing these clips I more then sattled on a mesa cab as my next G.A.S.

The DM cab has the same characteristics my 1960 vintage has.
This scratchy high-mids and highs.
It sounds great but dont fit the sound most bands I track want...also I enjoy the mesa character more.

The red eq´ed wav sounded great
thanks for the shootout.

Dont take it the wrong way, but after hearing these clips I more then sattled on a mesa cab as my next G.A.S.

The DM cab has the same characteristics my 1960 vintage has.
This scratchy high-mids and highs.
It sounds great but dont fit the sound most bands I track want...also I enjoy the mesa character more.

The red eq´ed wav sounded great

Don't worry about it dude, all these clips sound shite! Its capable of much more as this was just a quick mic up closer to the center of the cone than usual.

Although I think you made the right choice!
BR with more resonance and less presence would be very nice!

Gonna experiment with exactly that later today ;) Ill also do a version with the red channel.

Its fairly clear its between those 2 speakers rather than 4 so ill concentrate on getting a decent shootout of both of those.
Yeah thats litrally the only thing about my current speaker choice (TL) is its missing some "thickness". Im not a fan of BL or TR at all.

BR has a horrible "buzz" to it, however that might be due to my micing so I shall try it again and post results....hope it turns out well!
as others BR and TL , ilike the TL more but i suspected in a mix maybe BR would be more inyour face agressive
The bottom speakers both have this annoying 630hz ring to them, try cutting that area out like 8db.

BR does sound pretty good otherwise, it has really similar characteristics to ryans s-pre high impulse. maybe that ring is caused by sound reflections on the floor, since its more noticeable on the bottom speakers. you could try flipping the cab on it's side and micing that same speaker to see if that helps.

Edit: here's some mp3's of what BR sounds like with what I said said above.

normal: Shred/BR.mp3

EQ: Shred/BR 630hz cut.mp3


I hope this helps!