New 2-Bus Compressor

Overall, I like PSP's stuff especially the mixtreble plugin, I'll check this one. But talking about mastering compression, I think I'll go for a finalizer express. Just cleaner than any plugin.
I think the express might be a 3-band multi-comp and the 96 is a 5-band. Hard to tell from TC's website.

A good, low budget Finalizer option is to get a Powercore Element and a Master x5 plugin. That should only run you about $500, plus you get all the extra Powercore plugins. If you go to and use "forum" as your coupon code, you get 10% off any Powercore purchase, and they ship internationally.

Matt, the PSP MasterComp looks pretty sweet. The wet/dry option looks interesting in particular, but... 20 second demo and you can only play with the threshold knob? Jeez.