New 5150 and Mesa tune...please critique


Supreme Master of Nothing
Sep 10, 2007
I'm playing with a 5150 combo that I picked up yesterday. Mixing this with a Mesa single is new to me, so I'd appreciate any feedback you may have.

Also, I never sang these types of vocals before, so you can be as harsh as you want. I have thick skin.

2 tracks with the 5150, each with a 57 and e609s
2 tracks with the Mesa, each with a 57 and e509s
1 bass track direct
3 vocal tracks, 2 in and 1 out

Near the end, there are two more room mic tracks with an AT4040 for the 'big' sound.
Essentially, half of the guitar tracks are centered. So, that should be easily fixable.

I'll work on that tonight along with spicing it up a bit. Some of the other feedback received was that the song was too generic. So song composition and riffs review is in order.

When retracking the 5150, since I am most unfamiliar with that, maybe turning off the crunch mode...? Not sure yet.

Thanks for listening and taking the time to respond.
I'm using the rythm channel...only because I've read that in a few places. I'll certainly try the lead channel too. Do you get better results from the lead channel?