New Aa Official Fan Site Up!!!

HAHAH its official cos my old website was the old official fan site, but now this is my new one. and this site we first made for Amon amarth to be their official site but they chose another one, the one they are with now. But fred wanted us to keep going with this site. So it is and its gonna be good:D
you think you could add a "tabs" section on the site. for all the people who wanna learn to play the songs? like guitar tabs,bass, drums and stuff?
if you add it in i can help out as i figured out how to play almost all the stuff off of vs. the world and a bunch of the other stuff. the only thing is i have to take some time so tab it out. i got some of it already, i put the thousand yrs tab on here not long ago...
ahh ok. i didnt think to look under news... cause well... its not realy news. :D if you put the link to the tabs under music i would have been able to find it.

ill see what i can do for you on those vs. the world tabs. i have thousand years of oppression on the forum under the thread thousand years of oppression. thats all i got tabbed out for now. but if you give me time i can get
-death in fire
-where the silent...
-vs. the world
-across the rainbow bridge
-down the slopes of death
other albums=
-last with pagan blood
-north sea storm
-bastards of a lying breed
-risen from the sea
-sound of 8 hooves
-victorious march(you got that already though)
and im working on some others. im trying to get learn the songs from sorrow so ill have those soon too probably.
Unholy Cheers!
cool, but i dont use guitar pro. i got this program called "wintab" or "tabit". its realy easy to use and when you have the full version you can switch it over to text format! it can be found at

thanks for the offer though :D
@paganblood- i tabbed out across the rainbow bridge. you want me to mail it to you or something or post it on here?
AxeOfDarkness said:
cool, but i dont use guitar pro. i got this program called "wintab" or "tabit". its realy easy to use and when you have the full version you can switch it over to text format! it can be found at

thanks for the offer though :D
@paganblood- i tabbed out across the rainbow bridge. you want me to mail it to you or something or post it on here?

Tab it is cool, but I dont like how if you have the trial version you cant listen to the whole tab. With guitar pro, the trial version is just as good as the full version except only the full version you can complete tabs, with the trial you can only make tabs to up to like 10 lines or somthing. You can listen to full tabs though.

Also, I remember when I had tab it, I was searching the forums and i searched for amon amarth, and I found a death in fire tab, maybe its still there in the forums?
ASSASSIN651 said:
Tab it is cool, but I dont like how if you have the trial version you cant listen to the whole tab. With guitar pro, the trial version is just as good as the full version except only the full version you can complete tabs, with the trial you can only make tabs to up to like 10 lines or somthing. You can listen to full tabs though.

Also, I remember when I had tab it, I was searching the forums and i searched for amon amarth, and I found a death in fire tab, maybe its still there in the forums?

i generaly dont trust other peoples tabs as they are mostly all wrong! its unbelievable how many tone def people are out there! i think they just put random words and numbers down and pick a song name!
ill take a look at that DIF tab though.:cool:
One more question!!! Is there ANYWAY??? cos you know the chords and shit of the songs! is there ANYWAY!!! you can write the code for the last riff of the last with pagan blood into a mobile ringtone??? I would love the last riff into a ringtone FUCK YEAH!!!
cant help you out there... but when i get my phone ill figure it out real quick! :D