New ADK S-7... Some samples of my new mic


Mar 30, 2005
I bought a new condenser mic, an ADK S-7 so I recorded some sample for you all.
I used the Rose of Sharyn DI's and my 6505+, with my 2x12 cab.
The mic was on axis with the capsule aiming between the center and the edge of the dustcup.
I post 3 samples: one with no post-eq, one with post-eq and one with post-eq and less gain.
I think the mic is very good and it captures very well the sound of the cab (in this case I have a shitty cab and you can hear this clearly :D )
The Post-eq consists in a HP-LP filter (60-12k), a little boost at 6k and a little cut at 1k. You can clearly hear the boxiness of this cab unfortunately.

No Post-eq:
Post-eq and less gain:

Added tracks:

S7 and SM57 with post-eq:
SM57 with S7 far away from the center:

I did only some experiment so I've to learn it a little bit more, but I think it's not that bad actualy. I think it can add a very nice juice to the sm57.
Finally some samples!!!! Thanks Michelle:headbang:
Sound interesting... Have you already try some bleeding with sm57 for exemple?

Will follow this thread...
Yes I did it for the guitar comparison so you'll hear it in the near future :)
Actually I think I like the s-7 more than the 57...anyway it's a good complement for the edgy sound of the sm57.
I would like to try it with a Mesa cab
Ok I recorded 2 new sample. S-7 this time blended with a 57 in 2 different positions.
This one was recorded with the S-7 aiming between the center of the cone and the edge of the dustcup, and the SM57 aiming the edge of the dustcup
This one was recorded with the 57 as main mic, aiming the edge of the dustcup, and the S7 after the 57, going to the external of the speaker

The last one is very bad was an experiment :D Anyway the S7-57 works not that bad togheter...of course it depends on the mix.
Yes, second clip with both mics:D
Of course you can hear some phasing problem but it sound interesting because this clip didn't sound like 90% sneap forum tone. I love individuality (and it's why I love producer/engeener with unique overal sound character like Daniel Bergstrand, Wieslawski bro, Jacobs Hansen or Lasse for exemple. Her mix didn't sound same but you can pick who have done it at the first listen...).