New Aeon produced by Ronnie Björnström

According to the track listing there are 15 songs?
Are there a lot of instrumentals?

Really looking forward to this, Path of Fire was crushing.

Mix is awesome.
Holy shit man, well done! This sounds great and the song is great, I'd love to get to work with a death metal band of that caliber. Do you have any info on the guitars?
B36arin: We used two amps for the session. Peavey 6505 and a Tapp Amp Marzian. I think we used a Marshall 1960AV cab with V30´s. Mic combo was MD421 on the dust cap and a AKG 414 in off-axis. no pre-EQ, only through the Vintage Design M73 preamps. Quad tracked (2 Peavey, 2 Marzian)