New Age Club pictures!


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
i just published the first shots (more coming in the next few days) of the show, the meet&greet and a live report (in italian only)

- Photogallery Show
- Photogallery Meet&Greet

- Live-Report






hope u like them :)
@KC : Henriksson is massive, but do you really mean to scalp and dissect him in order to get his superpowers?
BTW : I sense there's something emo in Sundin's pic...
Nik is emo as fuck hahaha. Nah, I love it when musicians actually get emotional stuck in what they're doing, not like they're trying to show off and perform 9which is good too), but like they're just being genuinely passionate.

Henriksson should join the UFC and take down that beast Andre Arlofsky (sp?). Andre would punch Martin in the face and wake up two days later from a mighty Henrikjaw induced coma. Don't fuck with viking skulls!


The quality can be a con, but knowing what it's like in concert... surely brings positiveness!!!

Thank you!!!

King Chaos said:
Niklas looks better in his tank tops... dunno why I felt like commenting on that... maybe I'm gay.

That's not gay - that's metrosexual :) Whatever the case is - women like men who dress with taste and can distinguish style, so... But you can be gay as well, yeah, whatever makes you happy :D
@plintus: yep i know... quality is not huge coz in most pics i couldn't use flash (security was ridiculously strict about that).. so to avoid any problem, i decided not to use flash.. this forced me to higher up exposure time.. and being on the front line, crushed against the security barriers, it was hard to keep the camera still.. with people pushing you from the side and from behind.. anyway i also like blurred pics.. they're the best to give th idea of the dynamics of a show imho :)