New album! 8-string, clean melodic vocals, groove...


May 16, 2010
My new project 'The Jon Symons Project' just released it's full debut album.
The whole album features my Ibanez M80M guitar (8-string) and my Fender Telecaster for the solos.
Listen to it on soundcloud:

Or get it on Bandcamp (and receive the full album's instrumental mixes + additional bonus track as an extra!):

I used a LOT of Steve Slate plugins for the mixes (VCC, VTM, VBC and FX-G) because I love what they do!
Thanks for checking it out, I hope you enjoy!
Liked the song much!
Think that the guitars are way too bright comparing to the rest instruments and the vox (which makes some disbalance in the mix, 'cause they kinda shadow the rest of the elements).

BTW, which tracks/buses have you used the Slate plugins on?
Liked the song much!
Think that the guitars are way too bright comparing to the rest instruments and the vox (which makes some disbalance in the mix, 'cause they kinda shadow the rest of the elements).

BTW, which tracks/buses have you used the Slate plugins on?

Thanks for listening!
I used vcc and vtm on every single track and on the master bus.
Vbc was used on the guitar, drum, vocal and master bus.
Fx-g was used as the final mastering limiter.
Thanks for your comments and for listening!
I really like the guitar sound myself but the guitar is a very bright guitar aswell.
29.4 scale length, alder body etc. and ofcourse the sound I tweaked.
Sounds ok. I don't like the vocals that much. Sounds like a school boy playing over some chuggy guitars. Congrats on completling an album though. It's no mean feat to do it all yourself and finish a product!