1. Infectious...5:20
2. The One-Hundred Year Storm...6:13
3. Monochrome...7:54
4. Dont Say Anything...9:34
5. Something To Fight For...11:32
6. Everywhere I look, The Sun Is In My Eyes...6:44
7. Escape Yourself...8:04
8. Origin...10:45
TOTAL: 66:06
hello. this is my latest effort. This one took a lot longer because i developed a new writing process and i also went through a lot of creative sturggles among other things. The long songs are due to my writing process and also lack of confidence in material. Anyways, i feel like these songs are more mature from my previous stuff. I also feel like this is my best stuff to date. Most of all, i hope you guys enjoy it and tell your friends. Like me on facebook if you like me.