Without claiming to be any sort of expert, I've listened to my share of extreme metal vocalists over the years, and I recognise there are a lot of them who're probably technically better than Anders both at harsh and clean vocals, but personally, when he's at his best, no-one else comes close. I remember a review of Come Clarity that said something like "When Anders Fridén sings, you believe him", and I'd say I've felt that.
The guy gets a hard time on here, and I've been as guilty as any for criticising some of the post-Benson-era output and the use of studio techniques to try and turn his voice into something it isn't. I don't know if that Come Clarity review comment could really be applied to Here Until Forever or In This Life or any of the other recent songs where he's trying to use soaring melodic lines with sustained high notes. The simple authenticity of the verses of Bullet Ride or the melody of Metaphor that was comfortably within his range were more than good enough, and just as much part of the reason he's my favourite singer as his awesome (imo) growls. I wish he knew that and was content with playing to his strengths, but maybe he feels pressure from somewhere to try and write songs that push his voice to its limit.
To pay him a compliment, I think his harsh vocals on the Foregone singles are the best they've been on a studio recording since Clayman (the original, not the rerecording). That little passage of growling at about 0:50 on the In The Dark clip posted a few pages ago sounded to me like 1990s Anders, but I actually also really liked the clean vocals over the stripped back pre-chorus, the "the pain, the rage, our scars" line.
For me, as I've said before, a return to form isn't necessarily about getting rid of parts of the modern In Flames sound and returning to a "pure" effort to emulate TJR or Whoracle, it's about including elements of their sound that they had almost completely abandoned by the wilderness years of SC and Battles. Their best modern albums (Come Clarity and SOAPF) have been the ones where they put their sound of the moment in a blender with parts from their past. I feel like the harsh vocal tone from Foregone would improve both CC and SOAPF.
I'm trying to temper my expectations in case the rest of the tracks are like Battles or the mid part of I, The Mask, but based on everything I've heard so far, I am quite hyped...