new album!!

Yes, there are so many of you now, I think we have to regulate the
population *getting shotgun* ;)

Great review - nice scores :d...
I especially like this part: "I believe there are two kinds of people in the
music world. People that kind of fell into it, and there are people
that were just meant to be musicians. Examples of the second
would be, in my opinion, Mikeal Akerfeldt, Chuck Schuldiner"

:D :D :D
C'mon, Lordie, three isn't that much. How about cutting down the Norwegian population here? I think there are alot more than three...or the German population. :heh:
Americans are the scum of the earth.. they need to go first... :heh:
Don't try to control us, you bastards, *ratatatatatattatatatatatata*