new Alestorm Song in my myspace Player

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
check it out please.....and then buy the CD or LP or Digi or....all of them ;)

this song is called "that famous ol' spiced" and is featuring brass, tinwhistles and a violin (all real instruments!)

My Myspace

James did the mastering...thanks again mate
Hi Lasse, really digging the mix as well as the song, but for some reason vocals aren't doing it for me :zipit:, seems out of place with the song, really dry, but rest is fucking awesome
yep, twas on purpose (similar thing on the first CD), it's really important that the vox are on top and fully'll understand if you see them live ;)

no slate-kick in there....primarily my Yamaha Kickdrum with some things blended in....mostly a combination of my own samples and one from the D4 I think...not really 100% sure which one though....too long ago
Sounds great! Huge, punchy and smooth. Well done :)
Must have been a big challenge mixing all that stuff together.

I agree about the vocals but it's not a huge deal.
I really like the cymbals, funnily enough! Stuff like that doesn't usually stick out to me too much. Heaps of separation and punch and some nice sounding cymbal work too.

As someone else said, smooth, is how I'd describe the whole mix.
thanks a lot.
Cymbals were sabian AAX mainly I think Miced with km184.
m160 on the china (dunno if there's a china being in this song), c414 on ride and sm7 on hats.
API preamps

just a HP on cymbals....I think I didn't process them individually this time (hats and ride I mean) but just bussed them all the the OH group).

the drummer does some nice things with cymbals, I always liked that about him, he hits very controlled also...very little automation to be done
I would not say, the singer is bad! I think the vocals are exactly like I imagine a rum drunken Pirate...singin´ his salesman songs on a ship :) Atmospheric and credible! It matches perfectly IMO.

The production/mix is one of the best, I´ve heared in the last time..especially the real brass and other real instruments. THAT is the real art of recording..catching a human performance. Congrats for that. I´ll definitively catch the final product.
I would not say, the singer is bad! I think the vocals are exactly like I imagine a rum drunken Pirate...singin´ his salesman songs on a ship :) Atmospheric and credible! It matches perfectly IMO.

The production/mix is one of the best, I´ve heared in the last time..especially the real brass and other real instruments. THAT is the real art of recording..catching a human performance. Congrats for that. I´ll definitively catch the final product.

thanks Felix!