My new band... + add my myspace goddamnit

Damn, that image still baffles me o_O
Not only is the cab small but is in a small space with no acoustic threatment, it's crammed into a corner, the amp is cranked and the cab's also a valveking. There are no rules I guess, if it sounds good...and if it sounds THAT good :loco:
Damn, that image still baffles me o_O
Not only is the cab small but is in a small space with no acoustic threatment, it's crammed into a corner, the amp is cranked and the cab's also a valveking. There are no rules I guess, if it sounds good...and if it sounds THAT good :loco:

Just shove the microphone as close as possible to the sound source and you get minimum room ambience...

The vocals are actually recorded in my bedroom just next to the computer with no headphones... :kickass: