Rate my best Myspace mix...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Well not really a rate my mix thread cause the album has been sent to production and 6 of the songs are on our myspace now. Check http://www.feared.se

BTW this was the album that I asked to be mastered but I went cheap and did it myself. So no comments on the mastering please :D They're all old Feared songs so you probably already heard them.
Låter fint!
När kommer ni till Göteborg och spelar då era galningar?

Jag hatar Göteborg. HAHA nä skämt åsido vår sångare pluggar i en annan stad så det blir inte mycket turne just nu. Däremot är det större chans att jag kommer till Götet och spelar med Scarpoint!

And for you non swedes, translation of the above:

duuuuuuuuuh... hhhhhhuhhhhh Scarpoint!
hard to say something about the mix on myspace, but it sounds cool so far, and the songs are cool too....
very organic sounding imo
"weakest" thing productionwise could may be the vocals...but can be that I just think of it because you said you struggle with mixing vocals the other day.

Edit: when will the album be out?
hard to say something about the mix on myspace, but it sounds cool so far, and the songs are cool too....
very organic sounding imo
"weakest" thing productionwise could may be the vocals...but can be that I just think of it because you said you struggle with mixing vocals the other day.

Edit: when will the album be out?

I know man... Production wise this is so amateur. Everything is recorded at home and some of the vocals are recorded years ago. I just want to get this fucker out before I'm becoming a dad.

The album will be available on Itunes in a couple of weeks.
the vocalist is still great, and it still sounds great...could sound HUGE though, but it's not something that would keep me from buying the album.
I'm also struggling with the Vocals atm...slowly begin to think that I broke the PG81 when I mic'ed my amp 2 years ago....balls.
you said you did most of the vox with the 57, right?
hehe....that's why I'm trying to get some other mic for the vox...
cause I KNOW in the end i'm gonna kick my ass if we do all the vox with the 57...at least the famale ones