New Alien V Predator clip

The ideas behind it are great, with the Incas and everything, I wonder if it will be as good as it could be, but from all the previews I watched it looks good :headbang:

It will be weird that its PG though :(
It will be pretty good I think, the only downside is the rating, but they can get away with a shitload of viloence because the aliens have acid and the Predators are just glowing green blood, so you will just miss the decapitations and stuff of the humans. Which is sad, but ill get over it.
Ive heard nothing but really bad things about the movie so now my expectations are so low im sure ill enjoy it :)

At least its made a shitload of money so there will be more of them :headbang:
It cant be that bad, I dont care what anyone says, seeing Predators and Aliens fighting automatically makes it at least ok.