New All That Remains song


Mediocre metal maker
Dec 18, 2010
Suffolk, United Kingdom


The first thing I said was, what an awful guitar tone for the leads :p However the bass sounds really cool, most upfront sounding bass I've heard Adam D pull out of the bag. It has restored some of my faith in Adam, as the last few things I've heard him produce/mix didn't do anything for me (Dead Throne, Fire From The Sky). I think in this case though it might just come down to having great musicians play their parts really well.

Song wasn't particularly ground breaking, just sounds like a B-side from their last album, but I'm pretty sure that Oli will have some wicked riffs for me to steal...
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What the hell is with that kick drum... sounds like he used the sound of the raw trigger signal for 90% of the sound.
Yeah to be honest I'm not really digging the production that much. A lot of my complaints are a matter of taste though. As far as the song? Meh. I stopped listening to them after they released their 3rd CD (Overcome? Was it?). This darkened heart and the fall of ideals were fun jams but the new and unimproved ATR just isn't doing it for me.