info on all that remains production

Do you mix bands that you don't record? My band is recording some demo tracks soon and there is a strong chance we could use someone to mix them.
broken81 said:
You mean your not using a ssl and Andy Sneap samples with realistic Mic's??

just a joke, i dont really give out what i got... come to the studio to see what we have. i'd rather have someone come record because they know how good my stuff sounds, rather than if i have the newest protools or whatever the fuck. and on the reverse of that, i'd rather have someone NOT come here for me not having an equipment list, because chances are i wouldnt want to work with that person. if the person is smart enough to know what sort of sound they want, and they want to question if i can do it or not, then hopefully their smart and respectful enough to ask, "do you have x gear because we're looking to record our songs at a studio that does...". in that case i would say yes or no.

but yeah, mysetup isn't leet at all. im just good with audio, dudes.